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Moms For Liberty & Florida Teacher’s Unions — Two YUGE Cultural Losses For The Woke Left

Dems can crow over the political victories they think they're winning... but the battle space is changing even now

As interesting as it is to watch how the Hamas question has been exposing deep fractures in the left, they have even bigger red flags to worry about that aren’t getting much attention.

No, we don’t mean the ticking time bomb of conflict waiting to explode between the sexual libertines in the LGBT(etc) movement and Muslim theocrats with an unpleasant habit of lynching the first group from cranes, throwing them from tall buildings, beheading them with a sword, or simply sentencing them to old-fashioned death by stoning.

It’s the issue very much at play with Virginia and Florida — the backlash of angry parent
It’s easy for the right to think of 2022 as a blowout loss. But our side actually won every available seat that Joe Biden won by less than 9% in 2020.

Put differently, for Dems to win a Virginia seat in 2023, that seat needed to be in a district that pulled the lever for Joe Biden with at least a 9% margin of victory.

That’s not exactly the woe-is-me message you’re used to hearing from Chicken Little GOP talking heads, is it?

Did Dems gain control of the House and Senate? Sure. But that happens in redistricting. Overall, we’re taking back some ground in solidly blue states. That is a net win.

Old-school red vs blue has come to an inflection point.

The old organizing principles of which party represents which groups over what priorities have gone out the window. Both parties are reinventing their brands as they go.

After COVID, a powerful new interest group has emerged. Concerned parents.

Two stories illustrate why this is bad news for the political left both on their ‘demand side’ and their ‘supply side’.

First up: the Moms For Liberty Revolution

We need look no further than Loudoun county to understand how Dems opened a Pandora’s box of catastrophe when they made a political calculation to elevate political activist groups above concerned parents.

In that one region alone, a teenage girl was raped in her school bathroom. Authorities covered it up even after the offender assaulted another victim after being transferred to another school. It was covered up because they didn’t want to derail the hot LGBT issue of the day (specifically, bathroom access).

The father of one of the victims tried to raise his concerns at a school board meeting and he was wrestled to the ground by police and treated as if he was a domestic terrorist. Not just him, but parents generally were treated as domestic terror suspects by an FBI who refused to respect their First Amendment rights to petition their government.

This issue — together with school shutdowns, learning loss, and other indignities suffered by parents sick of the woke agenda being pushed in the school — galvanized parents to look beyond any historical political affiliation they may have had. They picked the guy who wanted to end these practices.

Moms for Liberty is one of the groups formed by parents and educators who came out of the post-COVID era with a new appreciation of how important it was to hold schools accountable so that they primarily served the interests of students, not academia or the political class.

From their website:

They have had good success in flipping the Soros script on the leftwing agitators. They have focused on less expensive local solutions.

Among their other priorities, Moms for Liberty have been vetting slates of candidates at the local level who will support parental rights in the school system, people who reject the trendy idea that government officials are somehow qualified to act as ‘co-parents’ of children they have never actually met.

Their success speaks for itself:

The idea isn’t just ‘catching on’ — it’s taking off like a rocket. Great growth in their political influence, not the least of which is a 5x year-over-year financial success.

Work like that has been successfully changing hearts and minds, hitting Dems on the ‘demand’ side of the equation.

Second: Florida teacher’s unions are in real trouble

In Florida, conservative pushback against the political monoculture in education has been seeing success on the other side of the equation as well.

One of the largest teacher’s unions in Florida now stands on the precipice of being decertified.

Why should anyone care about teacher’s unions?

Public sector unions are a different animal than private business unions. This parasite can’t kill its host. But, like many other parasites, it CAN zombify it into performing actions that serve the interests of the parasite, rather than the host.

The host, in this case, is any healthy school board intent on serving the real interests of both students and parents.

If you know someone who thinks that’s a NOT HUGE d@mn deal, let us help you spell it out for them. This was written in April of 2022:

The political donations by the NEA dwarfed the $48.8 million in political activities and $5.9 million in contributions spent by the nation’s second-largest teachers union, the American Federation of Teachers , according to Americans for Fair Treatment. The combined total of the AFT’s political spending was less than 30% of its 2020-2021 expenses, as opposed to the nearly 50% spent by the NEA.

“Those numbers show where [the NEA’s] priorities lie,” said Americans for Fair Treatment CEO David Osborne.

In addition to supporting political action committees backing Democratic candidates, the NEA also made sizable donations to liberal advocacy groups, including a $125,000 donation to the nonprofit organization Project 2043, which helps “companies and nonprofit organizations achieve their Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility goals.”

The project’s website includes multiple phrases and verbiage often associated with critical race theory, which says U.S. institutions and culture are systemically racist and oppressive to racial minorities. — WashingtonExaminer

If you were wondering how someone like Fetterman could have stumbled his way into office, despite his glaring deficiencies… you can thank the unions.

With less than two weeks before the midterm elections, teachers unions have donated millions to political campaigns, with almost all the cash going to Democratic candidates and committees.

Between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022, the NEA (National Education Association) Fund for Children and Political Education, the PAC affiliated with America’s largest teachers union, spent more than $3.5 million, with a majority of the contributions going to Democratic candidates and committees. Among those the NEA funded were the state Democratic political parties in Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada – all states with hotly contested congressional races.

Last January, the Michigan Democrat Party was forced to delete a post on Twitter after downplaying the role that parents play in education, and saying they have the “option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense.”

Candidates the NEA has supported include Pennsylvania Democratic Senate hopeful John Fetterman. While speaking to the Pennsylvania State Education Association, Fetterman said he would be a staunch supporter of teachers unions, and they would be his first call once in office. —FoxNews

What happens, do you suppose, to that engine of political influence pushing not just an agenda but Democrat GOTV efforts if the obligatory donor dollars dry up?

Why do you suppose that Biden has been leaning HARD into presenting his union bona fides to a public who should really know better than to believe them?

It’s these unions that play a big part in dragging hapless Democrat candidates over the finish line. With Union significance now clear…

What did Florida DO to trigger union decertification?

Under a new Florida law, if a local bargaining unit can’t prove active membership of 60 percent of the employees it represents, the union rank and file can hold a vote to determine if they want to dissolve or replace the union. And that’s exactly what educators in Miami-Dade are considering: replacing political, unaccountable union leaders with an independent coalition run by educators, for educators.
The Freedom Foundation is only pushing for an election to codify what the Miami-Dade educators have already enthusiastically expressed. They want local leadership focused on workplace-quality concerns, not a political agenda like that offered by the current United Teachers of Dade (UTD) president Karla Hernández-Mats, who was the 2022 running mate of former Florida governor Charlie Crist. The union doesn’t speak for the district’s teachers and probably never did. Consequently, it should no longer be recognized as the exclusive representative of their bargaining unit.
CBS News Miami recently began a series about the Miami-Dade teachers’ attempt to throw off their union in favor of the new coalition. The report, which accused the Freedom Foundation of “targeting” UTD, showed a sampling of the direct-mail pieces the organization has sent to local teachers, footage taken at the Freedom Foundation’s first-ever teacher summit held this past summer in Denver, Colo., and a snippet from a Freedom Foundation–produced video. — NationalReview

We didn’t find ourselves in this hole overnight.

It’s going to take the heart of a lion to fight our way out of it.

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It’ll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want a feel-good book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain’t for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if … your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ’s death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck