Another Resignation Over Anti-Jewish Bias Claims… In MAJOR American University
He's not resigning as professor... just as chair of brand-new antisemitism committee

Stanford’s brand new antisemitism committee is off to a rocky start. One of the co-chairs has had to resign. He was in trouble even before their first meeting.
The board was formed just this month. It came in response to the American political spillover of the conflict in Gaza after schools failed to provide an environment in which Jewish students could feel safe on campus.
That shameful Congressional testimony in which leaders from Harvard, MIT, and Penn refused to condemn mobs chanting genocidal slogans didn’t help any.
Stanford set up an Antisemitism Committee, as well as an Islamophobia Committee in response to tensions brought on by these protests. The first Committee hit turbulence even before their initial meeting. It had to do with Ari Kelman, a committee co-chair.
Here are his titles:
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education
Associate Professor (By courtesy), Religious Studies
He specializes in religion and sociology.
Jewish Insider explains the origin of the controversy in Stanford:
Amid rising tensions on college campuses since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war, it may come as no surprise that Stanford University’s newly formed Antisemitism Committee is already touching off a debate — before it has even held its first meeting.
The controversy centers on the faculty co-chair of the committee, Ari Kelman, an associate professor in Stanford’s Graduate School of Education and Religious Studies, and his record of downplaying the threat of campus antisemitism along with his recent alliances with anti-Israel groups.
Kelman authored a 2017 paper on antisemitism he co-wrote with several other Stanford faculty members. The 36-page report, called “Safe on the Sidelines,” concluded that antisemitism isn’t a problem on college campuses because “different representations of campus culture come from the difficulties in defining what counts as political speech and what counts as antisemitism.” — JewishInsider
But the conflict goes deeper than just a paper he wrote. His connections to groups that have taken aggressive anti-Israel stances are also in play.
One of those groups was Open Hillel, an organizer of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against the Jewish state, of which he used to sit on their board.
Kelman told the Insider that he has not been on the company’s board for over a decade and does not “recall doing anything as a board member, either.”
“I don’t think I ever attended a board meeting, even,” the professor emphasized. “Mostly my service was in the form of advice I gave to individual students.” — NewsMax
As recently as 2019, opposing BDS was a bipartisan position. Only the staunchest of hard-left Democrat extremists had any problem with it.
The House of Representatives voted Tuesday by an overwhelming margin to pass a resolution condemning the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel and to endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The non-binding resolution passed 398-17. Resolution sponsor Rep. Brad Schneider, a Democrat from Illinois, told JTA that the measure’s resounding success shows that support for Israel is a bipartisan phenomenon.
While the resolution also made clear that Americans had the right to petition the government in support or opposition to a particular foreign policy, some Democrats argued that the resolution, which has no force in law, impinged on the First Amendment. — Forward
Party dynamics on the left have changed a lot in the intervening years. Clearly.
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