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ICYMI: Video Of German Official TORCHING Tyrants And Globalists Has Resurfaced

If you didn't catch Christine Anderson's powerful message the first time around, now's your chance

Globalitarian Elites is a phrase she uses that yours truly just might have to adopt.

It was a conference in Brussels where elected officials and others were gathering to discuss what lessons had been learned from the pandemic and the shutdown.

To give a sens of what to expect, one of the panelists, Christian Anderson, who called out Justin Trudeau as a ‘disgrace to democracy’ last month in this speech…

He is, of course truly a disgrace.

Justin’s servile pandering to the Globalist Elite was singled out in her condemnation of globalist activism in another speech from earlier this year. Since we missed out on seeing it the first time around, we thought maybe our readers would enjoy her spicy anti-globalist message as much as we did.

For bonus points, she called out Trudeau as the globalist puppet he is.

Because we all love seeing Trudeau get horsewhipped, the clip starts right at 14:50. But the meat of it starts a few minutes later.

“My favorite unscrupulous WEF puppet is probably Justin Trudeau and he coined it ‘they’re just a small fringe minority having unscrupulous views at that. It’s a no-go’. Well, I will have you know, I’m a proud member of that small fringe minority.”

“But what, exactly were they doing? They were instilling a sense of disenfranchisement. Isolating people. And I’m particularly grateful that Mr. Christoff pointed that out in his presentation… they wanted to isolate us.” [Continues with some references to gaslighting, triangulation, and government persuasion psy-ops.]

It gets interesting at 19:20 where she gives her estimation of what the pandemic shutdowns were really about. She figures it was a trial balloon.. to see how far it could go. What does she mean by ‘it’?

To see what exactly they would have to do to get free individuals in free and democratic society to consent to being forced into compliance. That’s what they were trying to establish. That’s what they were trying to figure out. And they have figured it out. Trust me, they are much smarter now.

The goal is, ultimately, to transform our free and democratic sociey into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this.

And they’re robbing us of our identity, whether it be our national identity, our cultural identity, they won’t even stop to rob us of our sexual identity. The very core of who we are, they don’t even stop there. This whole Covid thing never had anything to do with public health. It never had anything to do with breaking waves. It had to do with breaking people in order to make us a part of a mindless malleable mass which they can totally control. We will be completely dependent upon this Globalitarian Elite.

That’s what they have in store for us. […] It will no longer be by the people for the people. It will be by the Globalitarian Elites and For the Globalitarian elites and nothing else.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck