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News Clash

LETS GO! Judge Orders Epstein Client List To Be Unsealed

Somewhere around 150 names are expected to be unveiled by next month

Life’s about to get very complicated for a lot of people. Some, because skeletons in their closets are about to be revealed, others for being caught up in something they had no role in.

Roughly 150 names of people who have been — in some way — connected to the Jeffrey Epstein story will have their names released to the public.

Some names will remain redacted. Minors, for instance. And those who make a case to the judge by Jan 1 that their names should not have been included in the civil hearings in the first place.

Anyone who did not successfully fight to keep their name out of the civil case could see their name become public — including Epstein’s victims, co-conspirators and innocent associates.

Judge Loretta Preska set the release for Jan. 1, giving anyone who objects to their documents becoming public time to object. Her ruling, though, said that since some of the individuals have given media interviews their names should not stay private.

The documents may not make clear why a certain individual became associated with Giuffre’s lawsuit, but more than 150 people are expected to be identified in hundreds of files that may expose more about Epstein’s sex trafficking of women and girls in New York, New Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and elsewhere. Some of the names may simply have been included in depositions, email or legal documents. — ABC

While it is unfortunate that some innocent people will have their names dragged into a mess they had nothing to do with, this is the price the public is forced to pay now that Corporate Media is no longer the disinfecting sunlight it was envisioned to be.

Lately, it has become little more than the AV department serving the interests of the rich and powerful. Agendas are pushed. Friends defended. Foes destroyed.

If ABC hadn’t spiked the Epstein story, the names of powerful people alleged to have molested children could have come out years ago.

Because Corporate News has sold out and abdicated their responsibility as truth-tellers, the public is left to sort out for themselves which of these people are innocent bystanders (Alan Dershowitz maintains he is one such person) and which ones are the perverted scumbags who like to force themselves on defenseless kids.

Is it any wonder we blast the Media(D) for being ‘Presstitutes’?

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck