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Maine’s Secretary Of State: The REST Of The Story Behind The Trump Ballot Debacle

This Dem chick goes rogue and a Dark Money group is crowing over it

Even the Colorado decision made it clear that Trump would be still be appearing on the ballot. But that ruling gave the fig leaf of ‘respectability’ for others like Shenna Bellows to take partisan action.

Marc ‘Fusion GPS’ Elias and Dem dark money groups like CREW have been hard at work to destroy Trump and impeach/legally harass him since before the day he was sworn in, as David Brock laid out in his ‘War Plan 2017’.

CREW, one of the 4 ‘nonpartisan’ groups mentioned in that pretty successful plan to take down Trump, is taking a victory lap now that the contagion of their case in Colorado is spreading to other states.

‘So far’ they said. Subtle. They know the Colorado ruling won’t stand. Their goal is to shroud Trump in an air of illegitimacy and have him deemed ‘ineligible’ in as many states as possible. It’s nothing more than a sophisticated smear campaign… just like the Steele Dossier before it.

Bellows is now making a media tour. Nobody knew her name until now.

If Trump prosecutors make the short list for Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ considerations…

…why WOULDN’T some faceless bureaucrat with ‘flexible’ morals and a partisan bent want to cash in on a shortcut to fame and notoriety?

Even CNN is scoffing at her authority to do this, making the point: ‘she’s not a lawyer, by the way’.

YIKES: Even CNN Pans Maine’s Move To Drop Trump From The Ballot

It’s worse than just being ‘not a lawyer’. Her connections to the Democrats with a dog in this fight are difficult to ignore.

She MET Biden at the WHITE HOUSE, did she? That was THIS year, you say?


Her ruling hinges on the words ‘I conclude’. Which is emphatically not how American justice was designed to work.

Police states, on the other hand…

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck