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Nikki Haley’s Answer To Townhall Question About Civil War Could Cost Her… BIG-TIME

There was something missing in her answer about what caused the Civil War

No matter HOW ‘complex’ and ‘nuanced’ someone might be in their thoughts about inciting events of the American Civil War, there are some things that absolutely MUST show up somewhere in the conversation.

Slavery should be an obvious one. For most of us, it would be. But when a New Hampshire voter asked Nikki Haley about the cause of the Civil War… she gave the answer you see above.

When her answer to that question showed up on CNN, her team obviously figured out she had stepped in it.

Did her ‘clean-up’ make the gaffe better?
Or did it make her mistake even worse?

Let me get this straight. A voter asks her a direct question about the CAUSE of the Civil War and she is telling us that her answer was explaining what it means to us today?

Nikki Haley’s claim to fame — one she loves to remind us of on the campaign trail — is that she was the Governor of… wait for it… South Carolina.

Pretty sure the Civil War plays SOME kind of a role in her state’s history. Oh, THAT’s right…!

“On December 20, 1860, a special convention called in South Carolina unanimously passed an ordinance of secession.” — Britannica

This came in response to the election of Abraham Lincoln. For some reason.

If ONLY we had some kind of a clue.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck