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News Clash

Hey Patriots: Two Things You Should Know About Haley Before Your Primary Vote

She just took a page out of Trudeau's playbook

Before you vote, did you know she and Trudeau both have THIS important attitude toward First Amendment rights?

There are plenty of red flags that should make Republicans think twice before voting for Nikki Haley.

One red flag comes from a poll of her supporters and the other comes from a decision made by her campaign on the day before the Iowa caucuses.

Just 23% of Haley supporters say they would vote for Trump in a matchup with Biden. The plurality of Haley supporters, 43%, would vote for Biden instead. —RedState

In a choice between Trump and Biden, twice as many Haley voters would support… Joe Biden.

If that doesn’t scream ‘establishment status quo’ to you… nothing will.

But that’s her supporters. What red flags did we see in her campaign itself?

She is throwing out media that isn’t ‘authorized’… whatever ‘authorized’ is supposed to mean.

That’s exactly the same attitude we are seeing in Trudeau’s Canada, where Rebel News was unlawfully excluded from covering Trudeau’s political events.

More recently, we see how Trudeau’s deputy PM had a journalist arrested and hauled away for the serious crime of *checks notes* asking a question. A cop stood in his path so that Menzies bumped into him… which was ramped up to an ‘assault’ charge.

If we want to vote for a Republican… we should probably make sure that the person we are voting for actually IS a Republican. Dontcha think?

John The Baptist: A Rude Awakening Precedes A Great Awakening.

This timely little tome chronicles the politically incorrect ministry of one of God’s most effective wildmen, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Christ’s ministry.

The abrasive message of repentance John preached 2000 years ago is still confrontational and offensive today — but it is also life-changing.

In our putrid, worldly culture that has turned away from God, this book is a must-read for every Christian.

Available in paperback for those of you who like the feel of the pages in your hot, little hands, on Kindle to keep it right at your fingertips, and as an epic Audiobook.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck