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The People Versus The Powerful

The gulf between the people and the powerful widens daily.

From the book: “The Cross & the Constitution – In the Age of Incoherence”, Tate Publishing, 2011
By Allan Erickson

Oct. 1, 2010

The gulf between the people and the powerful widens daily. Developments bring to mind Proverbs 28:15: “Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is the wicked ruler over poor people.”

“Buck up!” roars the wicked. “You’re just complainers! It would be inexcusable for Democrats to sit out in November.” The lion roars, excusing himself from all responsibility.

This president and his party, and many who enable them, can no longer escape the scrutiny and disdain of The People. The powerful have been found corrupt or complacent, self-serving and scandalous, fatuous failures. The rage of the people has therefore been kindled, a rage enflamed for many months, soon to be poured out.

The People said no to profligate spending and multi-generational debt. The powerful roared and broke the bank, running up more debt in eighteen months than all previous presidents combined.

The People said no to more and more taxation to feed the spending addiction in Washington, and the powerful charged and slashed back at The People, calling them selfish, unpatriotic, even racist, all the while raising taxes more than six hundred billion dollars (trillions today), then claiming no tax was raised, no longer caring they been found liars time and again.

The People said no to more government power and control. The powerful sneered, curled the lip, and seized more and more control. The lion nationalized the banks and other private industries. The bear took over the healthcare industry and the financial sector and sought more control over energy and education.

The People said no to increasing encroachment by the lion and the bear who then charged forward to invade every aspect of private lives even as they squandered our resources, destroyed our relationships around the world, and bowed to tyrants and terrorists, turning their backs on our own men and women in uniform.

And when confronted by The People time and again, the powerful turned to ridicule, calling The People stupid, ignorant, morons swayed by slogans, mesmerized by media, led astray by liars. No longer able to conceal their blatant wickedness, the lion and the bear tried to devour The People, making them poor and forcing their children into deeper poverty.

Yet in America, The People still have the final word. No matter the depths of depravity plumbed by the powerful, no matter the roaring of the lion or the charge of the bear. Come November, The People will prevail, so long as the powerful are prevented from roaring and charging against free and fair elections.

For if the powerful ever gain control over elections, thus preempting the right of The People to self-governance, the only remedy then will be the right to bear arms, and we ain’t lion.

Allan Erickson

Allan Erickson---Christian, husband, father, journalist, businessman, screenwriter, and author of The Cross & the Constitution in the Age of Incoherence, Tate Publishing, 2012.