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Senator Warns New Ukraine Funding Bill Sets Up Impeachment 3.0 Trap For Trump

Mitch shows his true priorities in pushing through this bill

Chuck Schumer cares SO much about ‘Democracy’ that he was unwilling to allow ANY debate or amendments to the bill sending money to Ukraine and elsewhere.

Mitch cared so much about a Representative Republic that he fast-tracked it through the Senate with not a damned thing being done to secure our border.

Filibuster attempts gave way to a forced vote. The Senate passed a bill that — most likely — will be just as ignored by the House as the HR2 Border bill was ignored by the Senate.

If only McConnell had been passionate enough in 2018 to push through the Paul Ryan budget with this same tool, Trump’s wall would have been long since built and our border crisis would be nowhere NEAR so severe as it is now.

For reasons best left to our readers’ imagination, McConnell is FAR more committed to securing Ukraine’s border than our own… to the point that current funding is setting up a trap for anyone deciding in the future that throwing good money after bad in a country known as the most corrupt country in Europe is NOT in the national interest.

The ‘national interest’ question becomes very relevant at a moment in history where interest payment on our debt exceeds our annual military budget — with no signs yet that federal spending will ever be reigned in.

That’s a recipe for bankruptcy at the federal level. And what did the Senators do? They built a subtle impeachment trap into the language of the Ukraine funding… JD Vance threw the flag on this one.

Of course, Mitch’s GOP Senators did NOT vote as a block to stop this disastrous bill. They didn’t even allow amendments to it.

Dissenting GOP Senators tried to filibuster, The Firm used tools to shut down the filibuster that they never bothered using when it could have advanced Republican causes.

This ‘help’ for Ukraine is coming at the expense of America’s OWN military readiness… supposing that sort of concern still matters to anyone.

“We need missiles. And America doesn’t make nearly enough of those, not for our own security, and certainly not enough to support both the Ukraine conflict and, God forbid, a conflict that might occur in East Asia. So let’s specify that a little bit more. We are right now depleting critical munitions, missiles, artillery shells and bullets faster than we can replenish them.

“And then we send them to Ukraine. I’m sorry. Why does that make an ounce of sense for our own national security? Shouldn’t we rebuild our own manufacturing capacity before we spend all of it on Ukraine? Shouldn’t we make more of our own weapons and gain some self-sufficiency in weapons manufacturing before we send all of those resources to Ukraine?

For all the best efforts of stalwarts like Rand Paul…

And Mike Lee…

… the bill passed anyway.

Now it moves to the House, where it is expected to die on the vine…

… unless and until the promise to fix the border is finally taken seriously.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck