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All HELL Breaks Loose As Michigan County Opens With Prayer Invoking Satan

The same clowns who tried to stifle any mention of Jesus are suddenly cheering Luciferians.

Remember the left’s heated battles to keep any reference to Christian faith out of the public square? There’s been a strategy shift.

Anyone paying attention will notice that the ‘separation of Church and state’ people are not the political force they once were. Another movement has quietly taken its place.

The movements and court cases we’ve seen in times past to force expressions of Christianity out of the public square were not as effective as they had once been… probably because Christians have caught on to their game and have started throwing resources behind religious liberty cases.

It hasn’t been easy, but religious liberty has been moving the needle.

Not surprisingly, antagonists against traditional faith have shifted their tactics and have thrown their weight behind a group that is explicitly NOT religious in a traditional sense of the meaning, but cloaks itself in traditional religious terminology so as to avail itself of the rights and protections of any religious movement.

Not surprisingly, such groups find inspiration from the most directly anti-Christian personal available to them… Satan.

They’ve organized themselves into local chapters and are making inroads into society. In Ottawa County, Michigan, they were invited to offer the opening prayer to open a public meeting.

Unlike the typical prayer appealing to Heave for blessing, guidance, or wisdom for the proceedings they are associated with, Luis Cypher stood and made something resembling an elevator speech about his groups philosophical beliefs.

A sales pitch, you might say.

The Satanic Temple of West Michigan gave the invocation to begin the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, April 23.

A man who gave his name as Luis Cypher delivered a brief speech before commissioners, mostly reiterating the principles of his organization. — MLive

Local Christians, as you might imagine, were upset and insulted. They saw this as a vulgar mockery of their own faith… which, if you listen to what he says, it is explicitly taking pot-shots at.

No interruptions were permitted in the auditorium itself. But no such restrictions applied in the overflow viewing room.

What’s the lesson to be learned here?

Simply this — the more ground that is ceded before Christians wise up and start behaving as the salt and light we were called to be, the bigger the hole we (or the generations that follow) will find ourselves digging ourselves out of when Christians finally DO shake ourselves out of slumber.

When Jesus was tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, Jesus countered el Diablo’s lies and temptations with the Word of God (Matt. 4:1-11).

Please note …
Jesus didn’t quote Oprah.
Jesus didn’t quote the virgin Mary.
Jesus didn’t quote a positive meme He saw on Instagram.
Jesus didn’t quote Tony Robbins.
Jesus didn’t quote The Pope.
Jesus didn’t quote The Southern Baptist Convention.

He proclaimed the Word of God when Satan came against Him. Jesus fought Satan’s words with the Word of God, and it worked. Shocker, eh?
Yep, Jesus spanked Lucifer with epic scriptural counterpunches and the Slithering One left black-eyed with his tail between his legs. Indeed,
Jesus talked back to the Devil, with the Word of God, and so should we.
That’s how we tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). So … let’s get busy declaring out loud God’s Word!

Get your copy of I Talk Back To The Devil TODAY!

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck