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Globalist Clown Who Ran Interference For China Now Demands BINDING Int’l Pandemic Agreement (VIDEO)

This guy was carrying China's water from Day One of COVID... but wants us to trust him now

Hindsight being 20/20, the World Health Organization was among the biggest failures of the pandemic. (Some of us even called it in real time.) Now they want us to submit to a binding international agreement.

There is ZERO reason for any country to subject its national sovereignty to such a wretched hive of scum and villainy… let alone a country like America whose founding documents contain the soaring ideas of self-government by the people themselves.

We are just a few days away from General dr. Tedros calling for a Pandemic Agreement to be signed.

Let us remind our rogue government that no such treaty can be entered into without the consent of the Senate… and then remind the Senate of just how SHAMELESSLy Tedros was behaving as little more than a marionette on Xi’s string.

We cannot miss this generational opportunity. If we do we will see the same inequities, the same lack of coordination, the same preventable loss of lives and lively hoods, and the same social, economic and political upheaval as we saw with Covid-19. We cannot allow the cycle of panic and neglect to repeat. We cannot forget the trauma of the pandemic and the painful lessons it thaught all of us. I urge all member states to work together on the principles of solidarity and equity, to find common ground, compromise and to give all of us effective agreement and a safer future.”

Meanwhile, in Japan…

It’s time we ALL tell that commie goblin to pound sand.

Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap

by Doug Giles

Beginning in March 2020, many Christians went into lockdown-freak-out mode. Uncut, irrational, unbiblical, and not to mention, unconstitutional, fear gripped many churches and church leaders. Forced to choose between obeying the Word of God or the edict of man, most Western Churches buckled. We even saw it here in First Amendment-protected America.

The Apostle Peter buckled to fear on the night of Christ’s crucifixion. But he learned his lesson and lived the rest of his life bold as a lion. How can the church ‘go and do likewise’?

Read the book and find out!

Get your copy of Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap now. Better yet, grab an extra copy for any petrified pastor who dutifully put obedience to the unconstitutional edicts of Mayor McCheese ahead of obedience to the explicit commandments of the LORD God Almighty.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck