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Doug's Columns

Faith: Pain Or Pleasure?

What kept Moses moving forward when the going got really tough?

Continuing with our look at the life of Moses, we turn our attention to how he shook off the setbacks and discouragements, finishing strong even with a deck that was stacked against him.

Moses was supposed to have been killed as an infant. But God had other plans for his life.

That doesn’t mean he has a straight line to success. When he was forty, he fled as a fugitive from Pharoah’s court. He spent four decades shelepping sheep in the desert before God called him off the bench and into the game.

But his life really didn’t get complicated for him until God gave him a gazillion malcontents to deal with as they wandered together in the desert.

So, you’re probably wondering: with all of this stacked against him, how’d he do it?

Great question. It’s the one we kick around in today’s show. What did the Bible mean when it said Moses “persevered because he saw Him who is invisible”?

And what can we learn from it?

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While you’re at it, here’s Doug’s latest book:

I Talk Back to the Devil is an action manual that sports thirty pure fire proclamations against the powers of darkness in three different categories covering, the wealth, the walk and the warfare of the Christian against Satan and his defeated ilk.

This NEW book will put a serrated edge on the Christian’s prayer life in these troubled times. This slim tome will embolden the believer to stop taking Satan’s crap.

Grab yours here.

Doug Giles

Doug Giles is Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Wimberley, TX, and is the founder of (290M+ page views). Giles is also the author of the NEW book, The Wildman Devotional: A 50 Day Devotional For Men. Follow Doug on Instagram and Truth Social at @thegilesway and on Twitter @TheArtOfDoug.