Government Authorizes Lethal Force For Opponents Of Human Anthill Project
Hey protesters... where is your outrage?

What happens when you pair the unopposed powers of a monarch with ridiculous amounts of money to chase whatever flights of fancy stir your imagination?
Kings get dangerously snippy when someone tries to stand in their way.
Any protesters planning to draw a line in the sand in opposition to ‘The Line’, be warned: the force the Saudis will bring down on your head won’t be stun-guns, tear gas, and truncheons. It will be a live-fire exercise.
As far as mega-projects go, The Line is about as ambitious as you get. They’ve taken that 15-minute city premise and cranked it up to eleven. Or possibly, eleven million.
Saudi Arabia’s much-hyped utopia has been the topic of conversation recently. The 170km (105 mile) project that was supposed to be a mirror-walled, self-contained megacity cutting a slash across the desert has run into some limitations.
An obvious point of differnce is how that 100+ mile megaproject is now looking at a far more modest 1.49 miles.
Besides the scale, other concerns have been raised — for example, the effect those mirrored walls might have on avian life. But before you call your environmental buddies and scheduele a protest, there’s something you should know.
Saudi authorities ordered troops to shoot dead villagers who refused to leave their homes to make way for the construction of a 106-mile-long megacity, an exiled Saudi Arabian intelligence officer has alleged.
Colonel Rabih Alenezi, who has taken refuge in the UK to shelter from retribution, claims at least one villager was killed and several more were imprisoned after declining to give up their land for the futuristic desert city known as ‘The Line’.
The gargantuan undertaking is the brainchild of Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman and the centrepiece of NEOM – an ambitious $1 trillion project that seeks to transform the Saudi desert into a new-world eco-city that ‘redefines the way people live’, diversifying the Kingdom’s economy away from oil in the process. — DailyMail
Sounds a little colonialist-y, too. If the pro-Hamas crowd gets tired of chanting slogans favored by terrorists, they can take a break long enough tho kvetch impotently about how the House of Saud is treating its own civilians.
Civilians. That’s probably the best word here.
Citizens have rights.