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News Clash

Biden Backpedals On Broken Border In Blatant Election-Year Posturing… Here’s Why It’s All Bull***t

Oh look... he DID have a way to control unlimited entry all along. He just refused to use it.

For years, Joe Biden has blamed Republicans for wave after wave of people coming in across the border — despite his own policy of actively encouraging and maximizing illegal entry.

The failures of the Federal Government to make any attempt at controlling the border have led to states to take matters into their own hands. Texas is using state law to make life difficult for scofflaw border-crossers, and Arizona is looking to bypass their rogue governor’s veto by drafting a bill and sending the decision directly to the public.

The universal refusal of Democrats to support any tightening of existing border law — or even the enforcement of existing laws — shows where Dems’ true motives lie. But now that we’re only 6 months out from the election, Joe is setting out to show America that he’s a Man Of Action™ who will rush in to rescue us all from the border crisis (that he created).

Flagrant contempt for existing immigration law is also evidenced by the enormous number of pending asylum cases that the Biden administration has been simply dismissing without a hearing over whether their claim is actually valid or not.

We’ve already seen some of the damage that particular form of illegitimate ‘amnesty’ can do. Did you hear about the illegal immigrant who shot two police officers?

Two of New York’s Finest were shot by a Venezuelan migrant in a wild chase in Queens early Monday — with one of the injured cops frantically rendering aid to his more badly hurt partner, police and sources said.
Suspect Bernardo Castro Mata, 19 — who entered the US illegally last year — shot Officer Richard Yarusso, 26, in his bullet-proof vest and Officer Christopher Abreu, 26, in the leg as the cops wrestled to get his illicit gun away, authorities said.
[…] US immigration sources told The Post that Mata illegally entered the country through Eagle Pass, Texas, in July 2023 — and was freed without any tracking just May 6 as part of a “mass amnesty’’ program under the Biden administration.

This is the same Biden administration that is still fighting like hell to deport a family of German Christians that was already GRANTED asylum by a court during the Obama years.

With pressure mounting now that millions and millions of illegals have swarmed the border during his time in office, Biden as announced he will ‘do something’. He will cap daily limits at ‘only’ 2,500 illegals a day.

Ted Cruz called him out on it:

Border Democrats were invited for Joe’s big announcement.

Some of them have more important things to do. If they don’t they’ll come up with an excuse. Maybe they’ll be busy washing their cat that day… or something.

Such a strong show of Democrat solidarity. Can’t imagine why these vulnerable Democrats wouldn’t want to be center stage on Joe’s ‘strong’ border stand.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck