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OP-ED: Andrew Linn’s Thoughts For The Week

A grab bag of reflections

The Trump Verdict

The Donald was convicted- the result of a political witch hunt. A majority of Americans feel he is the victim of political persecution. At any rate, he is appealing the conviction, thus demonstrating he is not going down without a fight.

Pride Month and the Military

The Navy Seals have gone woke, in which their Facebook page had marked the beginning of Pride Month. Were they pressured into doing this?

Women’s Basketball

Some people having been hating on Caitlin Clark because she is “white, straight, and Midwestern”. Clark was even knocked to the floor by Chennedy Carter of the Chicago Sky, and also allegedly called Clark a bitch.

Afterwards, Carter was hugged by her teammate Angel Reese (a college rival of Clark’s) for doing so. I thought Clark and Reese had buried the hatchet, but apparently that is not the case. Not only is race being made an issue in the WNBA, but sexual orientation is as well, since one-third of WNBA players are lesbians? Is the WNBA trying to draft more lesbians? Will they wind up signing transwomen too? What these haters fail to realize is that Clark’s achievements in college have led to an increase in ticket sales for WNBA games, as well as increased television coverage.

Thus, Clark might be the best thing to happen to the WNBA. The league will gain more revenue, which will result in higher salaries for the players and coaches (something Old Joe Biden mentioned when Clark was drafted). Thus, Clark is going to put money in their pockets (regardless of her skin color or sexual orientation), just like Jackie Robinson put money in the
pockets of the Dodgers- the latter being a reference to some of the Dodgers circulating a petition to protest a black player on the team, but was shut down by the team manager.

International Politics

Twelve Senators have criticized International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan for seeking the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials by ending American support for the ICC. Khan has responded by threatening to have the Senators
arrested under Article 70 of the Rome Statute of the ICC. It’s unlikely if the Senators can be prosecuted for their criticism- obviously Khan is using an intimidation tactic. It’s also unlikely the Biden Administration will comply with Khan if he tries to have the Senators arrested, since America is not a party to the Rome Statute (unless Biden see it as a way to defeat his political opponents). But if they travel to a country that is a party to the
Rome Statute, would they be subject to arrest?

Domestic Politics

Tania Fernandes Anderson is the first Muslim to be elected to Boston’s City Council. She describes herself as “the first formally undocumented African-born immigrant & first Muslim elected in the city of Boston”. And not only is she an illegal immigrant (since she said she was undocumented- I guess Boston is a sanctuary city), but she has labelled any of her critics
(presumably within the city government) as racist. She has also resorted to intimidation tactics, i.e. yelling, screaming, swearing, and even wanted to “create a revolution” to combat “systematic racism”. Although people within the city government might be scared of her, will the citizens of Boston be afraid of her? In a city that was home of the Boston Tea Party, perhaps she needs to be reminded that she works for the people of Boston.

A long time ago, I recall a member of the city council of the small town in which I lived who had a reputation for verbal altercations and snide remarks. The local barber summed up the councilman’s reputation by saying that he was the type of individual who was going to say something to the wrong person, and the end result would not be pleasant. Could the same fate fall upon Fernandes Anderson?

And those are my thoughts for this week.

Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.