There Is One Thing America’s Democrat Party Loyalists Will Never Do
(Originally published on American Thinker. Republished with Author's permission)
I suppose many of us have heard the expression, “Snitches get stitches,” referring to the one and only serious infraction known within criminal circles. You can be a murderer or a rapist or a terrorist (hey, that’s your “chosen field” prerogative as a bad guy), but if you ever snitch on a fellow ne’er-do-well—well, you could wind up hospitalized.
It seems that many people observing the past four years still don’t see the obvious when it comes to what the increasingly fascist Democrat party will do to maintain absolute control over America—and the one thing the left will never do.
By now, every one of us should be able to recite by heart many of the progressive Democrats’ officious, fascist acts, including:
- Convicting the Democrats’ #1 political opponent on aptly named trumped-up charges
- Incarcerating those exercising their First Amendment free-speech rights to “Stop the Steal”
- Sanctioning mob violence across the country that advances causes the Democrat party holds dear
- Labeling as “domestic terrorists” pro-lifers, as well as parents concerned about the grooming of their children
- Categorizing legitimate news stories as “conspiracy theories”
- Opening the southern border to overwhelm the country’s system of legal entry and path to citizenship to spread division and hatred and, through the census, reconfigure Democrat House representation and control
And on and on and on.1/
After all this outrageous nonsense from the Democrat Left, there will still be people within our circle of family and friends who insist that the 2020 election was on the up and up. That’s the one thing the omerta code demands: Do not acknowledge irregularities in that election. They can’t—or won’t—quite wrap their heads around the fact that people bent on achieving and maintaining wealth and power would not do everything and anything they can to stop the person who has vowed to expose their dirty deeds.
It is as if the “stolen-election deniers” amongst us believe what they have been told by a “why would they lie?” mainstream media, i.e., that the 2020 election was “the most secure election in American history.”
Haven’t we all observed that if you wish to challenge that “most secure” claim, the Left will go to great lengths to silence you, including but not limited to locking you up? And why would they do that if their assurance wasn’t rock solid? I mean, wasn’t it Republican leader Mitch McConnell himself who stated in Congress on January 6, 2021, that there “was no evidence” of election malfeasance? And this after having no desire whatsoever to review any actual evidence of hanky-panky in the 2020 election.
Perhaps The Babylon Bee, the conservative Christian source for “fake news you can trust,” nailed it even more tongue-in-cheekly about a year ago with their headline:
White House Announces All Conspiracy Theories Are True Except For The One About Biden Stealing The Presidency
In all seriousness, though, the alarm has gone off four years later, and this time we’d better be fully awake.
The country will end up with more than just a few stitches if the fascist Democrats have their way yet again.
Albin Sadar is the author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection, Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”
1/ I am using the word “fascist” in its accurate, historic sense. Fascism is a subset of socialism and a sibling to communism. Unlike communism, which sees the state own the means of production, fascism allows private ownership under state control. Mussolini explained, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Both Mussolini and Hitler demonstrated that anything “against the state” was to be met with force.
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