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BIDEN v. BIDEN: WH Staffers Torch Frank After Public Statement About Brother’s Health

It's gonna be really awkward around their dinner table this Thanksgiving

Republicans can say whatever they want about Joe, and the press can be turned loose to frame them as politically-motivated liars who don’t know the facts. Family is different.

Family will actually know what’s going on. Especially when that family is a brother like Frank, who’s spent time in the spotlight over various corruption scandals that, whistlblowers claim, sold political access and the Biden name for finanical gain. Millions of dollars worth of financial gain.

Now that Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 race, the question of his health becomes critically important. If he really is as cognitively impaired as critics on the Right suggest he is, he should do more than hand off the 2024 race to someone more able to handle the pressures. He should hand off the presidency itself.

It needs to happen for his own sake and that of the nation. It’s nothing less than a question of national security. There are already formal calls for Joe to do exactly that. Joe, from all available evidence, is fighting like hell to finish out his term.

Then along comes his brother with a public statement like this one: admitting that his health is a big factor in why Biden is throwing in the towel, while calling Joe Biden a ‘hero’ for putting (in his view) the good of the country before himself in deciding to step down.

‘Hero’. That’s high praise indeed.

But he said the one un-sayable thing, and that cannot be tolerated.

The reply was both swift and savage. Not only had Frank not seen Joe in ‘several weeks’ (as if that makes much of a difference), the White House media response twisted the knife, outing Frank as an alcoholic.


Are they seriously running with the ‘don’t believe my brother, because he’s a lying drunk who hasn’t seen Joe in weeks’ angle on this one?

That’s a helluva pivot from a family that worked the media for years to downplay Hunter Biden’s longstanding problem with hookers and meth… and a certain ‘unsolved’ issue of a mysterious baggie of drugs discovered in the White House.

Frank was wrong. Not only did Joe not put ‘country’ above himself, he couldn’t even bring himself to put his own brother ahead of his private political ambitions.

John The Baptist: A Rude Awakening Precedes A Great Awakening.

This timely little tome chronicles the politically incorrect ministry of one of God’s most effective wildmen, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Christ’s ministry.

The abrasive message of repentance John preached 2000 years ago is still confrontational and offensive today — but it is also life-changing.

In our putrid, worldly culture that has turned away from God, this book is a must-read for every Christian.

Available in paperback for those of you who like the feel of the pages in your hot, little hands, on Kindle to keep it right at your fingertips, and as an epic Audiobook.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck