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News Clash

Trump Launches Crowdfunding For Victims Of Shooting… Here’s How The Press Covered It

The press is truly as contemptible as you think... and probably more so

If ever there was a moment for the press to double-check their reporting of a Trump story in light of their biases against him… the weekend he survives an assassination might be that time.

Do you think they actually took the step back the moment called for? ‘Course not.

Trump, as we all know by now, narrowly avoided an assassination attempt. He credits divine intervention for his survival. He has told Salina Zito, in an interview, about the complete rewrite his speech to the GOP is going through.

Instead of a speech blasting Joe Biden and his record over the last 4 years, he is promising to deliver an aspirational speech to bring Americans together.

Joe Biden has called on Americans to do the same. Whether his team holds up their end of the bargain and resist the urge to go back to dishonest attack ads slandering Trump remains to be seen.

But legacy media is already charging ahead as the AV department of the Democrat party. For them, it’s business as usual.

From embarrassing stories that bent over backward to call the attempt on its life by any name OTHER than what it actually was, to ridiculous Sunday show exchanges where hosts pressed GOP guests to urge Republicans NOT to ‘whip up violence’. There have been embarrassing displays of both-sider-ism as an effort to sidestep the relentless ‘literally Hitler’, ‘fascist’, and ‘threat to democracy’ rhetoric the have been spouting for years.

But one of the most dishonest examples was the Newsweek reporting of an act of kindness offered to raise money for the victims who were hurt (and in one instance, killed) by the assassin’s bullet.

Trump organized a GoFundMe page to benefit those victims. It was titled ‘Support For Butler PA Victims – President Trump Authorized’. Here’s what it’s brought in around 6am EST on Monday morning.

Here’s the description of the purpose of the account:

President Donald Trump has authorized this account as a place for donations to the supporters and families wounded or killed in today’s brutal and horrific assassination attempt. All donations will be directed to these proud Americans as they grieve and recover. May God bless and unite our nation.

Here are a few of the more notable donors that got it going:

How did Newsweek share that story? The content of that story, at least as it currently reads, is fine. I can’t vouch for whether it appears as originally written, or if it has been ‘stealth edited’ in response to blowback.

The headline, on the other hand, is brutal, making it appear to anyone who doesn’t read beyond the headline, as if the GoFundMe is a fundraiser for his campaign, rather than an act of kindness and concern for those who were not so fortunate as he was in this attempt on his life.

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck