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News Clash

Hey Secret Service — Can You Explain These Claims Of B&E Into A Private Business For Kamala’s Campaign?

Since B&E is what took down Nixon, you'd think they would be more sensitive about this

Are the feds officially so arrogant now that they think they have a right to break into a locked private business, after hours, to make the bathroom available to their protectees?

If everything was on the ‘up-and-up’ why did the feel the need to put tape over the entryway security camera?

Here is security video, posted on X:

Libs of TikTok — a great follow — captured a still shot of the agent who taped up the security camera. In this photo — unlike some others, the agent’s face was not blurred.

The U.S. Secret Service was forced to apologize to a Massachusetts salon owner after using her building’s bathroom without permission ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

The salon owner, Alicia Powers, says Secret Service agents put duct tape over her security cameras and broke into her building by picking the lock. They then allowed various people to use the salon’s bathroom over a two-hour period.

Powers told Business Insider that she was aware she had to close her salon but was not informed about the Secret Service’s other plans.

“They had a bunch of people in and out of here doing a couple of bomb sweeps again – totally understand what they have to do, due to the nature of the situation,” Powers told Business Insider. “And at that point, my team felt like it was a little bit chaotic, and we just made the decision to close for Saturday.”
[…] “There were several people in and out for about an hour-and-a-half – just using my bathroom, the alarms going off, using my counter, with no permission,” Powers told BI.

“And then when they were done using the bathroom for two hours, they left, and left my building completely unlocked, and did not take the tape off the camera,” she added. — Foxnews

Is there ANY possible reason they can justify such behavior, or is this a blatant example of criminal trespass?

And for what? For a Kamala Harris fundraiser event. How very ‘on-brand’.

How common is this kind of behavior among our federal government agencies?

Is there ANYONE in government who remembers that their jobs were created to work in the service of the citizens and their interests, not as their master?

It’s time for the citizens to rediscover their voices and tell them this will not be tolerated.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck