Self-Righteous Blowhard Biden Forgets How HE Disrespected Vets Killed By His OWN Incompetence
Angry tirade against Trump neglects some obvious facts
Like Obama before him, Biden spent most of his administration blaming the previous POTUS for problems of his own making… even when doing so requires a shameless lie.
The very first day that Joe ran for President, he did so on a lie so egregious that even Snopes eventually came around to debunking it. (A lie Joe still cheerfully repeats, even in this speech.) That lie was the ‘very fine people’ hoax.
Joe Biden continues to spread lies on the “very fine people" hoax.
This was debunked.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 20, 2024
After years of getting away with it, it should surprise exactly nobody that he should continue to spew such lies to his credulous audience. Predictably he did so in his Old Man Yells At Cloud speech at the DNC’s tribute to their own hypocracy at the convention where party brass forced a bait-and-switch that nary a soul actually voted for when they might have had a chance in the primaries.
First Joe broke faith with his promise not to run again, then his party broke faith with their oen primary voters after changing the rules to ice out any challengers. It was only when the polling looked hellishly bad for Joe after getting his teeth kicked in at the debates that the party finally acknowledged Joe’s deficiencies and did a switcheroo of the kind normally reserved for 3 Card Monty players in NYC.
Nancy Pelosi disenfranchised 14 million Democrat primary voters and ended Joe Biden’s 52 year political career in a coup:
“I did what I had to do…my concern was not about the president, it was about his campaign.”
This is not the party of Democracy…
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) August 20, 2024
Last night, Joe stood in front of the DNC in an effort to define his time in office according to his own standards of measurement, with regular swipes at Trump in the process. In this, he invoked yet another damned lie.
Super-Cathoolic Joe loves bearing false witness against his neighbor, especially when it’s Trump. This lie is one of his faves… he’s repeated it often, even abroad. It’s the ‘Suckers and losers’ hoax.
Even Bolton, who clearly hates Trump, has called this out as the Bull***t it is.
“Marine One’s crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery,” Bolton wrote. “The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit…”
Bolton later added: “The press turned canceling the cemetery visit into a story that Trump was afraid of the rain and took glee in pointing out that other world leaders traveled around during the day. Of course, none of them were the President of the United States, but the press didn’t understand that rules for US Presidents are different from rules for 190 other leaders who don’t command the world’s greatest military forces.” — FoxNews
It was a lie then, and it’s still a lie now. Then he went on to brag about how tough he had been with Putin. (Does he really think we’ve all forgotten the permission Spineless Joe gave Putin’s war machine to invade in the first place with his timid talk about a ‘minor incursion’? How ‘minor’ does that ‘incursion’ look more than two years into a slaughterhouse quagmire, Joe?
But since Joe has wrapped himself in his undying love and devotion for the Veterans, let’s take a look at what he REALLY thinks of him.
In that same embarrassing debate that bounced Joe out of contention, he looked right into the camera and told the world that nobody had died during his time in office. Joe can’t even claim that nobody has died under his watch this calendar year. The conflict in the Middle East that was made possible by his restoring funding to Iran played a big role in the deaths of two SEALs lost to the ocean during an operation, or three troops killed in Tower 22 by Iran’s proxies.
Even during his SOTU speech, one grieving father was tired of this administration’s silence about the 13 killed at Abbey Gate that he interrupted the SOTU to bring attention to it… and was promptly arrested, and faced charges for doing so.
This administration had to be shamed into dropping the charges. And none of the families ever received a proper face to face with the President whose eagerness for a cheap 9/11 photo op destabilized Afganistan and cost them their lives.
The video of Joe looking at his watch was just salt in the wound.
But Joe will continue to lie about bad the ‘other guy’ is, because nobody in the media will seriously call him on it. Just like they never apologized for that OTHER lie they shoveled to complicit newsrooms about Russian Bounties on American soldiers.
You notice they’ve stopped talking about that? That’s because, like this lie, it was never true in the first place. What’s worse, the press probably knew it before they even started quoting it.
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