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News Clash

UH-OH: The Creepy Covid Compliance Crowd Is Making A Comeback

Weird how some people LOVE to micromanage the lives of strangers... while others insist that's a 'good' thing

If you thought we were finally rid of the pandemic panic… guess again. The COVIDictators are back… with some all-too familiar demands.

Remember those mask mandates? Some of our neighbors up North are getting the banned back together. And what’s being banned? Freedom, of course.

A Quebec regional health board north of Montreal reinstated masking across its facilities in response to a jump in COVID-19 cases, however, one doctor believes the decision to be politically motivated, rather than rooted in scientific harm reduction.

The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Laval made the decision to require staff to wear masks when in direct contact with patients last week, according to an internal memo obtained by CBC News.

However, family and ER physician Dr. Chris Milburn, who has worked in Nova Scotia for over 20 years and has written extensively on masking, said he disagrees with the protocol.

“There were decades of evidence that masks were ineffective for reducing transmission of respiratory viruses. That is why they were never used,“ Milburn told True North. — TNC News

In calling out the Mask Mandators, he turned the pandempic’s popular ‘science denier’ attack back on the authoritarians telling people they have to wear them again.

“The Science (TM)” on masks turned on a dime,” said Milburn. “In early 2020 we were told by public health experts not to wear masks because they were ineffective at best and harmful at worst (because we touch our face more). Within a few months, with no new evidence available, the same public health experts told us that we not only should, but MUST wear masks to prevent COVID. Science does not turn on a dime, but politics does.” — TNC News

At that’s REALLY what this issue has been all about right from the beginning, isn’t it? Whether the government has the right to obligate people compel people to do things against their will ‘or else’ — especially when the claims behind those demands are dubious at best.

Since we’ve got people trying to flog THAT dead horse again… now’s a good time to remind our readers about this:

Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap

by Doug Giles

Beginning in March 2020, many Christians went into lockdown-freak-out mode. Uncut, irrational, unbiblical, and not to mention, unconstitutional, fear gripped many churches and church leaders. Forced to choose between obeying the Word of God or the edict of man, most Western Churches buckled. We even saw it here in First Amendment-protected America.

The Apostle Peter buckled to fear on the night of Christ’s crucifixion. But he learned his lesson and lived the rest of his life bold as a lion. How can the church ‘go and do likewise’?

Read the book and find out!

Get your copy of Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap now. Better yet, grab an extra copy for any petrified pastor who dutifully put obedience to the unconstitutional edicts of Mayor McCheese ahead of obedience to the explicit commandments of the LORD God Almighty.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck