Who Are You? — (Part One)
When the world tries to squeeze you into a box, where do you go to break out of it?
It’s the trees with deepest roots that can stand strong when the winds try to rip them out of the ground. What are your roots dug into when it comes to knowing exactly who you are?
It’s easy to expect your enemies will stand against you. But anyone who’s tried to breathe life into a Bigger-than-Dallas dream knows that the toughest opposition can come from those closest to you.
Sometimes, it’s well-intentioned advice from others who would never have the cojones to take on such an ‘impossible’ task. At other times, it’s driven by straight-up envy.
When the people who are supposed to have your back are busy plunging knives into it… where do you turn for support.
Your success or failure — especially in the Christian context — will hinge on where you turn for that answer. Here’s ‘part one’ of the answer anyone wanting to survive that storm should be dialed into .