Cast Your Vote Upon The Water

It has gone on for decades and it shows no sign of changing: evangelicals do not vote nearly as much as they should. It’s a disgrace and here is why.
Christians are the majority when it comes to voting. They account for 64% of the electorate. In 2008, that number was 79%. Christians are not registering to vote as much as they used to, but the real story is the number of Christians who do not vote.
It’s estimated that 25 million Christians (registered voters) do not turn out to vote in presidential elections.
We’ve all heard the excuses: political activity is of the flesh, it’s evil, it’s ungodly, it exemplifies a lack of faith. Many leaders read Romans 13 and use that as a way to rationalize non-participation.
Consider these questions. Are we called to be good citizens? Is God calling us to be involved in public affairs so as to raise a righteous standard? If you could stop one abortion by casting a vote would you vote? If you could save one child from sex slavery by casting a vote, would you? If God called you to run for office what would you say? Do you agree that history teaches us when the righteous run and hide, evil prevails?
In the 1930s the Nazis rose to power largely by threatening and silencing the churches. Child labor was outlawed thanks in part to Christians in the public square. Christians working through the legislatures in the West put an end to slavery. Christians like Dr. Martin Luther King advanced civil rights and confronted racists by acting on his faith. Down through the centuries Christians have displayed Holy Spirit courage, taking a stand for the Truth, even as they were being tortured and killed.
False prophets and deceitful clerics urge you to stay home, actually calling you evil if you take a stand and vote. It is no exaggeration to point out we live in most perilous times. Existential threats proliferate. There has never been a better time to share the pure Gospel and exemplify abiding faith. Such a posture blesses others, even our adversaries. The least we can do is honor the Lord with our vote.