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Comrade Kamala Threatens Elon With Tyrannical Overreach… So Much For The Constitution

There's a reason Dems didn't shoot down that 'little piece of paper' line at the DNC

Kamala keeps calling Trump a ‘threat to democracy’ — while she openly attacks the Constitution a President takes an oath to uphold.

After 3 1/2 years of seeing Kamala and Joe invent reasons to trample the rights of Americans who didn’t dance to their tune, it’s hardly surprising that she plans to double down on what’s come before.

Here’s how RFK Jr captioned the quote tweet of the following video:

Kamala Harris: “He [Musk] has lost his privileges.”
Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a “privilege”?

Kamala Harris: “There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power.”
Translation: “If they don’t police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down.”

But openly promising to do things the First Amendment forbids?

That’s kind of a big deal, no?

Not once you know what their real agenda looks like. The following quote is by Johnathan Turley (a Democrat) in response to a public statement by Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson, who spoke at the National Democratic Convention.

I was recently called for a response to Robinson’s call. Yet, it is not clear if Robinson is speaking about the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution as that “little piece of paper.” However, she insists that “[i]n this moment, we’ve got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center.”

Robinson added:

“And I think for us right now is about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our Founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people in this country. That’s the opportunity that we have.” —Turley

In that same column, he referenced the NYTimes and MSNBC entertaining ideas openly hostile to the Constitution on which our entire system of government depends.

What’s truly chilling is how casually she determines that Elon has ‘lost his privileges’. Period. No trial. No appeal. No check or balance on her power to unilaterally make a decree about what rights the peons in her kingdom do and do not have.

America already threw off a king. We’re not in the market for a Queen to replace him.

But go on and keep telling us how ‘Trump’ is a ‘danger to democracy’ and ‘threatens’ our system of government.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck