Forgotten Study Reveals Media’s Pro-Kamala Psyop Has One Critical Weakness
Bill Whittle brings the receipts
We all know the media propaganda machine is lying to us. The question is… what’s the best strategy to defeat it? Fortunately, we’ve got some hard evidence to guide our response.
If the American public is being hit with a propaganda war that amounts to psychological manipulation and we’ve only got some 60 days to counter it… why not look to our psychological literature to see if anyone has studied the power of big lies that convince people to question their own reality and agree with something they objectively know to be false?
More importantly… whether those studies have shown any remedies to people being made to question thier own ‘lying eyes’?
As it happens, there HAS been a study where people have looked into the dynamics of peer-pressure and ideas. Better still, it showed how simple the solution to break such a spell might be.
(Once you see how simple the remedy is, the left’s unrelenting thirst for total control over our information platforms will make a LOT more sense.)