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The Left’s Bumper Sticker Mentality

After a quick study, a few observations pop up that most people might miss...

By ClashDaily Guest Contributor: Albin Sadar

This article first appeared in American Thinker and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.

While out for a drive along the streets of a Pennsylvania town, you might spot a car with a handicap license plate sporting an interesting array of bumper stickers:

Image by Albin Sadar

After a quick study, a few observations pop up that most people might miss, even though they should be obvious

Image by Albin Sadar

Planned Parenthood, as everyone knows, is infamous for aborting babies. Many of these preborn babies are aborted in utero after tests reveal that they have some sort of deformity that could handicap them for life. Yet, the driver of this car seems to have made it through that particular “choice” intact, whether the malady was before birth or after.

The fact that the PP sticker is laid on top of the one endorsing Harris is curious, too. The Harris/Walz ticket supports abortion not only through all nine months of pregnancy but also if there is a “mistake” in the procedure and the baby is born alive. After-birth abortion can also be considered.

When it comes to “who decides,” it’s nice to see that your pet ranks high up there in the pecking order. “A Dog is the Only Relative You Get to Choose” lets all of us rear-end readers know that nobody’s relatives, even those relatives yet born, can compare to the sweet, cuddliness of a loyal, non-judgmental dog, cat, hamster, or whatever keeps you warm at night.

Well, if this display of political punditry sways even one voter towards “Harris for President,” it might be time for a sane person to drive deep into the wild, backwoods territory of Alaska—and stay there.

Albin Sadar is the author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection, Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”