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Vivek Takes CNN’s Kamala Rebrand Effort… And Nukes It From Orbit

This man has some absolutely LETHAL political instincts.

The cure for bad speech is better speech. And on this CNN interview, Vivek CLEARLY had the better speech.

The media presstitutes have been going all-in on a rebrand of Kamala Harris… not as the unpopular leftwing extremist whose staffers would rather quit than work a prestigious White House gig, but the winsome Brat Summer heir apparent to the Democrat fortunes. They want her to be Obama in a skirt — at least until election day.

But that’s a tough slog when you’ve got people like Vivek who are not only fearless enough to walk onto the set of an obviously hostile network… but to bring a command of exactly the right facts to cut the official narrative to ribbons with a surgeon’s skill.

Her ‘pivot’ to more ‘moderate positions’ has to overcome some hard facts that make her political positions look every bit as fake and opportunistic as her regional ‘accents’.

And he does it all with a winsome smile on his face.

The cure for media lies is the same cure that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn recommended for taking down totalitarian empires like the USSR:

Speak the truth.
Better yet, do it without flinching.

Like this guy did:

John The Baptist: A Rude Awakening Precedes A Great Awakening.

This timely little tome chronicles the politically incorrect ministry of one of God’s most effective wildmen, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Christ’s ministry.

The abrasive message of repentance John preached 2000 years ago is still confrontational and offensive today — but it is also life-changing.

In our putrid, worldly culture that has turned away from God, this book is a must-read for every Christian.

Available in paperback for those of you who like the feel of the pages in your hot, little hands, on Kindle to keep it right at your fingertips, and as an epic Audiobook.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck