Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Quote Was Brutal… But The Responses By Trump And Others? Pure Gold!
Joe keeps stepping all over Kamala's messaging... you might almost think it's intentional

With ‘friends’ like Joe Biden, does the Kamala Campaign even NEED enemies?
While Kamala was out there doing her best angry ‘Trump is Hitler’ speech, Joe Biden was making headlines of his own.
Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ did such a great job of winning over voters that he decided to push that trope even further… by literally calling Trump’s supporters ‘garbage’.
Look at the watermark in the upper corner.
Voto Latino is the same org we exposed trying to pay Latinos $1,000 to come out against Trump and in support of Kamala Harris.
And now they’ve given us Biden on camera calling half of the country “garbage”
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) October 30, 2024
White House spinmeisters tried hard to explain it away. No, no. Not Trump’s supporters. There’s an apostrophe, as in: suppporter’s.
The internet rightly called bullsh**t on that spin.
The classy replies given by Trump and Vance were top notch. And we’ll get to them.
But we like to have a little fun around here.
So here’s a deep-fake meme made of Joe Biden in ‘Dank Brandon’ mode after his garbage quote.
🚨Breaking Now🚨: President Joe “Dank Brandon” Biden addresses his ‘garbage’ comments.
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) October 30, 2024
The closing line in that clip picks up on an idea that’s been going around on social media and even some news sites — that Joe hates Kamala for throwing him overboard and wants her to fail.
Here’s Trump reacting in real time as he heard about it while he was at one of his rallies. Unlike the panic-induced scream-y rage we’re seeing in the Kamala camp, Trump’s taking the high road in his response. Well, almost. Unlike the left’s rage, Trump responds by taking a playful swipe at Joe.
🚨Breaking Now🚨: President Joe “Dank Brandon” Biden addresses his ‘garbage’ comments.
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) October 30, 2024
JD didn’t take it personally, either. He highlighted the fact that Joe Biden — who, as our readers will remember, once claimed he was better than ‘his predecessor’ because he would serve as a ‘President of All Americans’ — just slandered half of the country by calling them garbage.
He defended the Americans Joe had just slandered.
We’d like to highlight one more thing about that quote that most of the pundit class has overlooked:
In the very same clip that he denounced half of America as ‘garbage’, he said that anyone who demonizes people is ‘unconscionable’ and ‘unAmerican’.
There you have it folks. Joe just described himself as ‘unAmerican’. Pretty much the first honest thing he’s said since taking office.
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