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News Clash

Corruption Scandal Grinds Canadian Government To A Standstill

And the GOP is afraid of a little 'shutdown'?

The Trudeau government has faced scandal after scandal. So many, in fact that even Canadians who pay attention politically are likely to miss a few if they try to list them.

Trudeau has an annoying habit of getting caught up in a parade of corruption scandals, ethics scandals, pay-for-play scandals and even scandals involving unnamed elected officials who have been implicated in foreign influence campaigns… and Trudeau never has to pay a price.

Trudeau has levels of political power that would rival a feudal king. The few institutions that could hold him to account lack any independence. They report to him, directly or indirectly.

For years, it has been his authority to make unilateral changes to his cabinet, his party’s defacto majority status because of a power-sharing aggreement with the leftwing party, and control over institutions such as the RCMP, Trudeau has never really had to answer for any of the seemingly endless parade of scandals brought against him.

Until now.

After shamelessly stonewalling Parliament’s demands for documentation, the Speaker of The House has decided that enough is enough. No further business will be conducted in government until this question of corruption allegations has been fully settled.

The Speaker’s ruling is the latest in the “unusual, novel and unprecedented” battle between MPs and the Liberal government over the extent of parliamentary privilege over thousands of unredacted records regarding Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), the government green fund that was plagued by scandal before being ordered shut down earlier this year.

“The House has the undoubted right to order the production of any and all documents from any entity or individual it deems necessary to carry out its duties,” Fergus told the Commons Thursday evening.

“The House has clearly ordered the production of certain documents, and that order has clearly not been fully complied with. He said he “cannot come to any other conclusion but to find that a prima facie question of privilege has been established,” Fergus added. — National Post

The words ‘slush fund’ are being thrown around, and Parliament has demanded access to the financials of that fund so they can present it to the police.

The government has been stonewalling… and hard.

Now, none of the regular business of government can proceed until this information is provided to Parliament.

Even without checks and balances, there are ways to keep the powerful held in check.

Not even Trudeau was able to Political Privilege his way out of this one.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

Sir John, Eh!

Sir John, Eh! is ClashDaily's anonymous Canadian Correspondent who brings the Canuck perspective while reporting on what's going on in Justin Trudeau's woketopia.