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OOPS: Conservative Schools CNN On Racist Policies On Live TV… Then It Gets Worse!

Watch how they pretend NOT to have heard any of these terms before

One of the problems with the left’s perpetual race outrage is that their proposed ‘solutions’ often make life worse for the people they claim to be helping.

Consider the fiery outrage and backlash against ALL forms of policing after, for example, Ferguson and (similarly) the BLM//George Floyd riots of 2020.

The principle behind what has come to be called The Ferguson Effect is pretty straightforward: There was a specific and identifiable series of events. Accusations were made against the police. Changes were made to policing (staffing or rules of engagement). And a statistically measurable [negative] quality-of-life difference was detected in the areas those same police were tasked with protecting.

While the particulars in a phenomenon with so many hot-button variables involved will be hotly debated, the phenomenon itself has both a name and a definition. The Wiki page can detail many contours and disagreements of that debate.

With a network like CNN so tightly wound up in racial strife stories that would quickly run out of things to talk about if they moved on to some other topic, it’s astonishing that a panel feigns ignorance when someone dares to invoke the Ferguson phenomenon.

The exchange began when host Abby Philllips tried to paint Trump as an evil authoritarian for suggesting that the National Guard might be an appropriate response to some of these riots.

Ryan Girdusky was ready with an answer she didn’t see coming. Ryan didn’t just cite an abstract phenomenon, he hit the host right in the kisser with hard numbers of ‘over 15,000 black male deaths’.

Girdusky put a follow-up tweet under this video. It included a 2015 link to a story CNN wrote. It’s funnier if we just quote the title directly: “FBI chief tries to deal with the ‘Ferguson effect’” The FBI Chief in question was none other than hero-to-the-left James Comey during his role as Obama’s FBI director.


A little context.

Ignorance on the part of chronic race-bating panelists on a network supposedly trying to rebuild its reputation as a truth-teller would be a poor enough excuse. But it’s hardly the worst excuse.

Supposing the CNN panel was caught in a deliberate lie? Would that cost any of them their job? Or would CNN willingly sink its remaining reputation on protecting people knowingly lying to the public?

While we probably know the real answer to that question, keep it in mind as we connect a few more dots.

In case you are like most people and only know about what’s said on CNN if it happens to get picked up on social media, this here is Abby Phillips.

You will recognize her photo from that exchange, above.

At one time, she worked for the Washington Post. While there, she wrote an article worth mentioning in this context. Can you guess why?

Well THAT’s awkward, Abby.

Are you dumb or are you dishonest?

Knucklehead seems to be the ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card Democrats have been relying on this summer, but I’m not sure that a ‘senior correspondent’ wants to go with that excuse.

I’m sure racism will be to blame.

It always is.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck