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News Clash

OOPS: Two Oct Surprise Oppo-Dump Stories Have Already Imploded — Here’s The 411

That didn't take long at all

Democrat hoaxes aren’t getting anything close to the mileage they used to… it’s almost like the public has come to expect the lie even before they tell it.

With years of criminal investigations, civil lawsuits, and oppo research logging untold thousands of man-hours digging into the tiniest details of Trump’s life, there’s hardly anything about his life that we don’t already know.

That alone should be enough to make people suspicious about any new allegations about Trump they haven’t tried to deep-six him with long before nw. ‘Discovering’ new allegations less than 2 weeks before the election?

There’s a time the public would have accepted that as an authentic story that would kick the legs out of an election run. But not anymore. One too many such ‘oppo dumps’ has made the average voter cynical about such plays… especially against Trump, where serious allegations go on to be disproven.

This time, the ‘disproving’ didn’t even take a week.

First, the #MeToo allegation. Some girl claimed that she was a friend of Epstein, walked over to Trump Tower and Trump got too handsy. THIRTY-ONE years ago. This is almost Kavanaugh allegations level of stupid. Unfortunately for his accuser, she nailed the timeline down to within a couple of months.

That mistake led to her whole story unravelling. She got the timeline wrong in a way that made the allegations in her story literally impossible.

The ‘Hitler’ story is even more ridiculous.

Kelly has a history of smearing Trump, like many former aides looking to continue their careers. He rebuked Trump for firing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who leaked a private phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and gained hero status among the Left.

Kelly also attempted to recruit others to defy Trump when he was president, The Daily Wire previously reported. Kelly allegedly tried to recruit then-United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley to his group, saying he was doing it to “save the country.”
[…] Kelly also believed the false allegations of domestic abuse against former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. Kelly initially defended Porter, but then called claims from Porter’s ex-wife as “new allegations” and denounced domestic violence. Kelly, however, had access to Porter’s background file, and should have known of the dubious nature of the incident and the true story behind photos claiming Porter had punched his ex-wife.
[…] And then there’s the allegation that Kelly once shoved Trump’s daughter Ivanka in the West Wing. The allegation was made in Jared Kushner’s memoir, where he wrote Kelly had a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality. Kushner wrote that Kelly was angry with Trump one day and shoved Ivanka out of his way when she said “hello.” Kushner said Kelly later apologized to Ivanka. Ivanka confirmed the report and her former chief of staff confirmed the apology, though Kelly denies either event took place.  — DailyWire

The left holds up Trump defectors as ‘proof’ of how bad Trump is. Maybe.

Or maybe there’s a very well-financed machine that has been looking for ways to destroy him from before he even took office. Exactly as we have seen in a White Paper document written before Trump was ever sworn in, ‘MEDIA MATTERS: War Plan 2017‘. By David Brock.

Amazing how many of those same players have followed exactly the playbook they described. Right down to attempts to use the courts to discredit, destroy or (if possible) impeach him.

The allegations never got traction for a very simple reason: they were obvious lies.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck