Celebrity Murderer in New York City Shows Failed Promises of “Gun Control”
From contributor Rob Morse

A college graduate recently stalked and murdered an insurance company executive in Manhattan. The murder took place at about 6:45 in the morning. The victim was shot in public as he walked in front of the New York Hilton Midtown hotel. The Chief Executive Officer was in town for a meeting of corporate investors. The news media tells us a lot about the attacker and the victim, but they are almost silent about the murder in New York City.
New York State, and New York City in particular, are both notorious for their strict “gun control” laws. It is difficult if not impossible to defend yourself on the street with a legally owned firearm in New York City. That remains true despite the US Supreme Court ruling two years ago. That court ruling said that New York placed unconstitutional restrictions on honest gun owners who wanted to protect themselves in public. As expected, the recent murderer ignored those “gun control” laws completely. Those gun control laws failed to disarm the murderer, yet they disarmed the victim. The news media overlooked that obvious fact.
Some people think that poverty causes violence. The murderer went to an expensive prep-school. He obtained a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree in computer technology from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He was employed by a car company in California. His wealthy family owns country clubs, health care facilities and real estate companies in Maryland. The murderer calls himself an anti-capitalist. The murderer and the victim had no contact with each other. The murderer was not a customer of the insurance company at all.
You don’t find a city that is more controlled by democrat politicians than New York City. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg ran as a republican candidate when he was elected as New York City mayor two decades ago. Bloomberg has donated hundreds-of-millions of dollars to democrats since then. Even the “gun-control” group Giffords Law Center is funded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg. According to those “gun-control” groups, this murder could never happen.
We have over 23-thousand firearms regulations in the United States. In New York City, you are required to pass a background check before you may purchase a firearm. You must apply for a pistol purchase permit before you can receive a gun from a federally licensed gun dealer. You have to pass another background check to legally buy ammunition. Honest citizens may then ask to have a permit that would allow them to possess their firearm at work. Another permit is required if you want to carry your legally owned firearm on the street for self-defense. That process can take years. Like most criminals, this murderer ignored those laws. Two years ago, New York Democrats made it a crime for honest citizens to purchase, to own, or to wear body armor in order to protect themselves.
The murderer wrote a manifesto and had it with him when he was arrested in Pennsylvania. He wasn’t afraid of being caught or killed. He was afraid of failing or being ignored. In all likelihood, we will discover that this is another celebrity-seeking murderer who committed violence to make the news.
The murderer’s firearm had a malfunction when he attacked his victim. An armed defender could have shot back. The unarmed victim was murdered before he could run away.
After “gun-control failed again, the “gun-control” groups have already called for more “gun-control” laws in New York. Any excuse will do. That plea might sell to headline surfers. You have to read past the headlines to see that criminals don’t obey our gun laws.