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News Clash

Four Ways The Hunter Biden Blanket Pardon Has ALREADY Backfired, Bigly — Here’s How

Die-hard political flunkies will love it... but even they are stuck with consequences they won't like

As you’ve probably heard by now, the worst-kept secret in all of DC is now offical — daddy dotard has issued a blanket pardon to his crackhead kid.

Seems fitting, somehow, for us to use the tweet of a shameless toady like Jim Acosta to post the announcement:

Curiously, he stuck to the facts of the announcement, with no outrageous commentary about the loathesome politician who did such an act, or hand-wringing about the collapse of all that is good and just in America, or the recitation of ridiculously self-serving poetry.

“Just the facts.” While we haven’t checked, we suspect this may have been a journalistic first for J”im.

Political allies rushed to Joe’s defense:

And Politico doesn’t even realize they’re becoming a parody of a real news source in their choice of how to frame this story:

By now, even the Onion is more reliable than those presstitutes.

And yet… however much they try to justify the pardon, even they will realize that it comes at a price.

The Price Joe Pays

For Joe, personally, it’s the last nail in any faint hope he had of leaving a meaningful legacy as even a ‘middling’ President.

It will be read as an admission that he and his family have been for sale from Day One.

The man who wrote the words ‘No Malarkey’ on his tour bus has become a living, breathing parody of the man he claimed to be.

The Price Hunter Pays

The blanket pardon is not the new lease on life he thinks it is. He is a man who will be forever seen as a privileged senator’s son who’s daddy failed upward enough that he could make all culpability for his very obvious crimes go away.

He’s not an innocent man done wrong, he’s a corruptocrat fail-son who got away with selling out the country for a few extra zeros on his paycheck.

This ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card comes what might amount to an interesting plot twist that could take his friends and associates down with him:

Especially if there are, say, any Congressional subpoenas for the purpose of revising law to prevent the kind of corruption of which the Biden family has been credibly accused. All of the same tools and tricks the J6 Committee justified in the witchhunt against Trump and the J6-ers is now a precedent that has been set.

Interestingly, any future perjury is NOT covered by Joe’s blanket pardon. So he’d best be careful about his word choice… especially with Kash Patel and Pam Bondi paying close attention to what unfolds there.

The Price Never-Trumpers Pay

If any group immediately realized the implications of this pardon, it’s the Never-Trump crowd whose ONLY card they have to play is their unearned sense of moral superiority.

This pardon has sent their house of cards tumbling for all to see, and they aren’t happy about it.

Here he is with a more honest and self-aware version of that same idea:

The Never-Trumpers just lost their boogeyman.


The Price The Entire Left Pays

With Trump due to be sworn in less than two months from now, he’s going to hold that same pardon power.

And it’s making all the right people jumpy.

The left’s entire Defending Democracy has fully depended on the J6 ‘Insurrection’ narrative. That narrative, in turn, depended upon having a unique criminal class they could use as evidence that the red-hats are the bad guys and everyone else is the good guy.

Once pardoned, there is no longer a threat of the DOJ implicating and charging new victims. The threat of fear is gone. The social stigma of talking about it is also gone.

REAL stories of wrongdoing (including cruel and criminal prison treatment of unconvicted prisoners) can finally be told. Cass action lawsuits for unjust abridgment of Constitutional rights and suits/investigations into specific examples of wanton abuse of power can be weighed and (potentially) begin in earnest.

The left’s most dangerous weapon has been taken from them: Fear of the State that punishes its enemies.

It’s not just the J6 political prisoners, either. Remember, there were other targets unjustly singled out by Garland & Co.

This seems a good opportunity to gloat JUST a little:

Check out Doug’s Trump ‘You Missed’ Prints here:

Trumpinator: You Missed

You Missed

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck