There's been so much going on even after the election that it's hard to take it all in.
There’s been so much going on even after the election that it’s hard to take it all in. It would be kind of nice to sit back and reflect on what it means and what might happen. Resting to take time off to even consider the proverbial victory lap is not an option though. I said in my last article that winning the election is only winning one battle; we’ve not won the war. Honestly, if you read some of the stuff the Left is proposing and even doing, I believe the true war has already started.
All the meltdown videos have their entertainment value, but they’re just a distraction. There are reports of Left-leaning law firms “…attempting to invoke constitutional provisions or unprecedented legal maneuvers…” to undermine the will of the voters. This is the “bread and circuses” of the elites. Just keep all the deplorable garbage fed and entertained and they won’t notice the true agenda.
This is where they’re wrong. We’ve paid a lot more attention then they realize (obviously since the election caught them off guard.) Any attempt to stop the upcoming inauguration will be a straight-up Soviet-style power grab.
For this reason, I’m now going to call the Left/progressives/liberals, etc. DEMSHEVIKS. I saw this term used recently but forgot to write down who coined the phrase. It’s brilliant, so thank you…whomever.
This is why we have to keep the perspective of constant warfare in mind. Demsheviks aren’t going to slither quietly into the night.
Another attitude and/or perspective we should consider is this: begrudging actual gratitude for the Biden/Harris fiasco. Okay, I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is I no longer indulge in the illegal king of controlled substances. My thinking on this idea is clear, so please hear me out.
We were given a four-year window of a brief view of what the Demsheviks want to do to us and the country. The obvious big issues such as inflation, the broken border, the climate, and the spike in crime are some of the issues that lost them the election. The smaller yet impactful issues they’ve championed are the reason the war is ongoing.
We didn’t grow up hearing about fact checkers, disinformation, misinformation, censorship disguised as tolerance *, or the “cancel culture”. All of these tactics are based on propaganda and the use of fear as a means of control.
Especially insidious is cancel culture. Do, say, post, print anything that goes against the Demsheviks and you could lose your job and even the ability to find another one. In Stalin’s Soviet Russia, there was a version of this that they called “wrecking”.
In Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago”, he explains how “wrecking” was used. Say you were a factory worker who noticed a certain procedure on an assembly line wasn’t correct and you pointed it out to your superiors.
“What’s wrong with you?” they would say. “Don’t you know the Soviet system makes no mistakes? Off to the Gulag with you!”
On the other hand, if you didn’t report the same problem it would be: “What’s wrong with you? Do you want the glorious Soviet system to fail? Off to the Gulag with you!”
Granted, our cancel culture didn’t go as far as offering a trip to the Gulag, but rest assured that’s where they would have taken the concept. It’s the classic damned-if-ya-do, and damned-if-ya-don’t scenario.
President Trump will not be able to clean it all up overnight. Once again, this is where understanding the perspective of what he and the rest of us face is crucial. Biden/Harris — or whoever is actually in charge (Obama?) — unwittingly gave us a real gift, the gift of seeing how quickly things can go bad.
In case you’re wondering, there is a spiritual correlation to understanding perspective. The word perspective means to “see clearly; the capacity to view things in their true relations or importance; comprehensive point of view; viewpoint.” **
Originally, I thought of entitling this article as “The Focus.” Meaning, therefore, that to focus involves “a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding; to concentrate; to bring to bear.” **
While the words don’t necessarily function as synonyms, they can be an intrinsic part of one another. In other words, changing your focus can change your perspective; perspective can also cause a possible change in what your specific focus is.
Spiritually, your focus can be changed without much effort. This is what Satan did in the Garden. He changed Adam and Eve’s focus from that of one towards God and what was provided for them, to only viewing their humanity and their mortality. (Read Gen 2:8-3:13; key verses are 3:2-7)
The temptation of Christ by Satan at the start of the Lord’s earthly ministry is another example. Found in Matt. 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13, Satan attempted to change Christ’s focus by tempting Him with sustenance, survival, and success. This after the Lord had fasted for 40 days. Christ’s perspective didn’t change because His focus couldn’t be changed.
It was the same near the end of His ministry when He confronted Peter who rejected the fact Christ would allow Himself to face persecution and death. What’s interesting is that Christ didn’t speak directly to Peter but rather it was “Get behind me Satan.” (Matt. 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33)
What we’re seeing now is pure evil from the Demsheviks. They can’t focus on the fact that they lost an election…in a landslide. They won’t, or can’t, admit that the rest of the country empirically caught on to them. They’ll continue to try and alter the perspective. What they started with Obama for eight years culminated with Biden/Harris. Trump version 45 was only a speed bump that made them desperate enough to try every legal and illegal means to remove him. Thanks to their hatred, greed, and overindulgence, they gave us a perspective of what Communism would be like with them in control.
In closing…
Two things.
- Midterms are two years away. I know it’s early but we need to pay attention to all the Republican and conservative allies. Pay attention to voting records. We can’t risk a GOP circular firing squad.
- Eph. 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
*from Mike Farthing, Patriot Journal, 11/21/24
** Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition, 1994