House Speaker ‘Spills The Tea’ On Biden’s Decline And WHO Was Shielding Him From Scrutiny (VIDEO)
Everyone named in this meeting knew the truth -- and let him run for re-election anyway

Fully a year ago, Speaker Johnson had a moment alone with Joe Biden — without his army of advisors shielding him. What Mike saw was chilling.
Elon Musk has joked that Biden isn’t in charge — whoever is running the teleprompter is. That might be a mocking statement, but the question it raises about who’s really running the show is not easily dismissed.
Especially when we have evidence that Joe Biden himself seems unaware of the true nature of at least some the Executive Orders to which he as been signing his name, as seen in this description of Speaker Johnson’s inquiry into why Biden was putting a ‘pause’ on Liquid Natural Gas exports to Europe. Pay particular attention to the difference between the effect Joe allegedly THOUGHT it had and the real-world consequences of the executive orders themselves.
EXCLUSIVE: @SpeakerJohnson tells @BariWeiss that President Biden hasn’t been in charge for a while.
In January 2024, when Johnson and Biden were alone in the Oval Office, the president couldn’t recall an important executive order he had signed just three weeks earlier.
— The Free Press (@TheFP) January 18, 2025
Interview by Bari Weiss, video by Free Press.)
Video caption:
XCLUSIVE: @SpeakerJohnson tells @BariWeiss that President Biden hasn’t been in charge for a while.
In January 2024, when Johnson and Biden were alone in the Oval Office, the president couldn’t recall an important executive order he had signed just three weeks earlier.
Johnson recalled telling Biden: “Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would you do that?”
Biden, according to Johnson, was stunned. “I didn’t do that.”
“He genuinely didn’t know what he had signed,” Johnson said. “And I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, ‘We are in serious trouble—who is running the country?’ Like, I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.”
Mike gave a list of everyone who showed up to that meeting. He told us that Biden’s White House had to be publicly shamed into meeting with the House Speaker.
Who was protecting him, and more importantly, who was REALLY making the big decisions? Were any laws broken in the process?
This is the same Joe Biden that just tried to add a 28th Amendment by tweeting it in the last couple of days in office… mostly so that others could use that as justification for a court battle to push it into law.
We hear about ‘threats to democracy’ all the time. And Biden has tried to scare us by invoking terms like Oligarchy. But if even the New York Times is running stories about Joe Biden’s diminished state, and evidence is pointing to Biden being in something approaching a President Wilson level of compromised cognitive function, where do we go to find the list of people who wore Joe Biden as a skin suit to push whatever policy priorities the people pulling their strings wanted to see happen?
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