POTUS Gets Last Laugh Over Pompous ‘Resistance’ Fake News Blowhard
Built his career on being the loudest never-Trumper in the WH press corps... and now he's gone

If Fake News in Trump’s first term could be summarized in just one face… this guy would make the short list. Who’s laughing now?
Those of us who have been paying close attention to the war of attrition between Team MAGA and the Fake News media complex have seen a lot of the loudest critics throw themselves heart and soul into the destruction of Donald Trump.
We have enjoyed their dismay as they discovered long after they were writing the last of many re-writes of Trump’s inevitable epitaphs, that he’s still standing… and they are not.
There’s a short list of the most ridiculous voices who tripped over themselves to be top dog in the NeverTrump Resistance olympics. Brian Stelter and Don Lemon come to mind. Moscow Maddow is another.
But of all the media clowns claiming unearned moral superiority over Donald Trump, perhaps the loudest self-promoter of them all was right there in the the Press Corps, making every opportunity to ask questions a deliberate attempt to put his own face into a viral clip on the news.
Of course, we mean Jim Acosta.
CNN’s ratings are in the toilet. (More than usual.)
CNN is reportedly placing anchor Wolf Blitzer in a new morning slot to address declining ratings. CNN’s chief executive Mark Thompson is leading the programming changes as the network’s struggles have become a focal point in the industry. In early December, CNN ranked No. 17 among cable stations during primetime, averaging only 367,000 total viewers from 8-11 p.m. In contrast, Fox News Channel (FNC) averaged 2.5 million viewers during the same period.
Blitzer’s transition is expected to lead to changes in other programming. Jim Acosta may lose his 10:00 a.m. show, while Kasie Hunt’s slot may shift to the afternoon. — MSN
The most self-important man in the news business doesn’t have the clout he once had. He was bumped to the midnight time slot, but his ego couldn’t handle the demotion… and he’s calling it quits.
Despite all the efforts to destroy him with lies, smears and unfounded accusations, Trump is as strong as he’s ever been when Acosta’s career is circling the toilet.
Trump was absolutely right in calling him fake news. And we can prove it with his own words.
Acosta was one of the scumbags pushing the ‘very fine people’ hoax the hardest.
But despite repeated calls for Trump to publicly denounce bigots, and pretty well every other guilt-by-associate smear they could cook up…
… he knew Trump had already done so in the context of Charlottesville itself.
Acosta may have won that little lawsuit to get his ugly mug back in the Pressroom in the First Term, but after 4 years of Biden showing the true value of a Trump presidency in the same way that black velvet makes a diamond shine in the light, Acosta is riding off into the sunset of ignomy… while Trump is trumpeting bold new initiatives and will sit as President on America’s 250th birthday.
Which leaves us one question for our readers: are you TIRED of all this winning yet?
Giles Volume II The Trump Collection (Doug Giles Art Collection)
This Donald Trump art book is the victory lap that conservatives have been waiting for since 2020. This hard-cover, full-color glossy collection by conservative painter, Doug Giles, will entertain you for hours on end and quickly become a valuable collector’s item as an icon of the MAGA movement.
“I’ve had a blast painting my Trump Collection over the last seven years. Several of these paintings made me laugh so hard that milk came out of my nostrils, and I haven’t had milk for thirty-six years. These epic paintings now reside in bars, hunting camps, man caves, she sheds, trophy rooms, and God and Country MAGA homes from sea to shining
One word of warning before you purchase this Trump Collection: This book will spawn liberal tears, Marxist rage, and NeoCon hissy fits, of course.
Finally, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this DJT gaggle of my gadfly oil paintings.” God bless, and stay rowdy. Doug Giles