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Three Ways Team Biden Looks Stupid After ISIS Attack Hits New Orleans

Was this something that might have been prevented if they weren't chasing squirrels?

Have they spent all of their time and energy ‘protecting’ us from the wrong threats?

The first day of the New Year, and the final month of the Biden administration saw not one, but TWO significant targeted terror attacks. One of them was ISIS, slaughtered 15, wounded 30 and used a combination of vehicular homicide, firearms, and explosives to drive his violence. The other rigged a bomb in a Cybertruck, drove it to Trump Tower in Las Vegas, and went kaboom.

Fortunately, the Cybertruck attempt backfired, killing only its perpetrator. But the ISIS attack was tragically successful in achieving its evil intent. Feds are investigating suspected accomplices believed to have been working with him.

Joe Biden made an announcement about the attack, and made a point of emphasizing his American citizenship and military service before he said the killer was invoking ISIS. Not only did Joe avoid the use of the word ‘terrorist’, but he said that ‘no one should jump to conclusions’.

If only he did the same for law-abiding Americans.

The New Orleans fatality count, already at 15, could continue rising. It’s time to ask — is there anything Joe’s administration could have done differently to keep America safe?

Three examples of things he could have done differentl come immediately to mind — you may have thought of others.

1) Looking the wrong way.

The Biden admin was using unrealistic DEI biases to direct threat assessment

Despite an active threat from Iran against the lives of Trump and some of his cabinet, Joe Biden and his subordinates rejected any notion that the biggest threat America faced was from international terrorist with religious or political motives.

Instead, he (and Director Wray) insisted that the most urgent threat to the safety of American citizens was from White Supremacists.

This is pretty rich, coming from the guy whose running mate helped raise bail for leftist agitators who helped reduce entire city blocks to rubble and ash.

2. Prioritizing policy preferences above national security

Joe Biden’s big priority, whatever his reason may seem to have been, is to crank the border open as wide as he possibly could, for as long as he could keep it that way. Even in the last gasps of his time in office, it took legal action to keep him from selling off the parts of the wall that Trump wants to use to seal off the border.

Again and again we hear stories of people who came to the border, who were allegedly ‘vetted’, only to find out long after they’d made their way into the midst of an unsuspecting American public that they had been involved in serious crimes or — in some cases — were on terror watch lists, or from high-risk nations.

On top of that, we’ve allowed criminal gangs to thrive and flourish in the last four years, stretching our law enforcement thinner than they would have otherwise been.

3. Misdirected energy

Under Biden, federal agents were tied up looking into lesser problems while greater threats went unchecked.

Opportunity cost. That’s the phrase describing the choices we make with our time. Eight hours spent on task A represents eight hours NOT spent on task B. You may remember reports that agents were pulled off of child trafficking cases so that they could chase down J6 leads.

That brings us to the crux of the third way he trashed national security. Remember all those times Biden’s people bragged about the unprecedented resources they unleashed on prosecuring somebody’s grandma who stood on the lawn on J6?

On a hunch, I went looking and wouldn’t you know it:

Is it possible that the fifteen people killed in New Orleans could be alive today if the feds weren’t so tied up with their J6 snipe hunt?

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck