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News Clash

Chuck Schumer Puts Up A ‘Whistle-Blower’ Website — It Backfires Hilariously

After 4 years of destroying whistleblowers, Dems want you to just trust them

With Trump holding all the cards in government, and their lawfare strategy on shaky ground — Dems are looking for another insider willing to turn on Trump like the scumbag schemer who set up impeachment 1.0.

After 4 years of demonizing and destroying anyone who followed the explicit Constitutional protocols for blowing the whistle on a story, Dems suddenly think whistleblowers are a good thing again.

The Plan

In fact, Chuck U. Schumer is posting about a ‘helpful’ website to collect anyone willing to throw Trump and his agenda under the bus.

Most of us remember the hoops that REAL whistleblowers had to jump through — talking to the right people, filling the right forms, not having it go just ANY congressman or senator.

The site Schumer is putting up could actually do the opposite of what he intends. Participating in his little website might actually negate the legal whistleblower protections that Schumer is promising to protect. It’s also an explicitly Democrat organ.

The Backfire

Of course, the internet caught wind of it and did its thing, both in response to his tweet:

And on the website itself:


And the cherry on top:

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck