Taylor Swift’s Got Some Gonzo Views About What Being Christian REALLY Means
'Theologian' isn't really her strong suit

Taylor Swift is very good at a few things — energizing a crowd to show up for her concerts, for example. But that doesn’t make her good at EVERYTHING.
Theology, for example.
Her latest hot take about Christianity is almost enough to make you forget about the Pope wading into questions about US border enforcement.
She’s got some nuttier-than-a-squirrel-turd ideas about how abortion and Christianity intersect. Her latest Neflix special talks about how she began wading into politics in 2018, endorsing the Democrat opponent of the very capable Pro-life Senator Marsha Blackburn.
She didn’t appreciate the ‘pro-life’ part. Actually, she went further than that.
Swift said Blackburn’s pro-life beliefs disgusted her.
“It’s really basic human rights, and it’s right and wrong at this point, and I can’t see another commercial and see Marsha Blackburn disguising these policies behind the words ‘Tennessee Christian values,’” she said in the Netflix special. “Those aren’t Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I’m a Christian. That’s not what we stand for.” — LifeNews
Gee, Tay-Tay, please educate us all on what REAL Tennessee Christian values are?
Lemme guess… alleycatting around with anyone willing to share your bed, and rising off to Planned Parenthood when the test shows two blue lines?
Are you SURE Jesus didn’t have some OTHER standard in mind for us?
Maybe respecting ourselves enough to marry up if we can’t handle celibacy is more in line than snuffing out the life of an inconvenient unwanted bastard child? ( Citation)
If you’re wondering why some people use the line ‘shut up and sing’, it’s because a lot of the things celebrities say when offering their ‘learned’ opinion on things are embarrassingly ignorant.
Case in point.