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News Clash

Education Secretary Makes HUGE ‘Final Mission’ Announcement Immediately After Confirmation

Confirmed with 51 votes, she wasted no time outlining her plans

Like everything else in the second Trump administration, the Department of Education will be run by disruptive innovators rather than stay-the-course custodians.

Because, as anyone who’s been paying attention to the educational results in American students — especially with benchmarks like literacy — just throwing more money at the problem has NOT been working.

We have some of the highest cost-per-pupil price tags and some of the worst learning results among modernized nations. To say we’ve been ‘lagging behind’ doesn’t begin to cover it. We are absolutely failing our basic responsibilities to entire generations of children.

Whatever the right solution might be, it is NOT ‘more of the same’. Centralizing education so that it could be run by the DC swamp has shown itself to be a catastrophic error in judgment.

Stripping away layers and layers of administrative bureaucracy that have little if anything to do with success in learning is just one of the steps that will breathe new life into a faltering system. Another is decentralizing educational authority so that it can be more responsive to the demands of parents at the local. and state level.

That was the mandate that Linda McMahon embraced and supported in her confirmation hearings, and voting was strict party line, with 2 GOP senators absent at the time of the vote.

Linda McMahon, in her first act as Secretary of Education, is informing all employees that she will lead a “momentous final mission” to send education back to the states, according to a letter obtained by Fox News Digital.

McMahon is sending a letter to all Department of Education (DoEd) employees on Monday evening, informing them of a “new era of accountability” as she oversees President Donald Trump’s promise to dissolve the department.

“Our job is to respect the will of the American people and the President they elected, who has tasked us with accomplishing the elimination of bureaucratic bloat here at the Department of Education—a momentous final mission—quickly and responsibly,” McMahon wrote to employees in the letter that was shared first with Fox News Digital.
[…] “My vision is aligned with the President’s: to send education back to the states and empower all parents to choose an excellent education for their children,” McMahon told employees on Monday evening. “The Department of Education’s role in this new era of accountability is to restore the rightful role of state oversight in education and to end the overreach from Washington.” — FoxNews

This is EXACTLY the kind of disruption many of us have been calling for to save the sinking ship of public education.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck