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Dear CNN: ISIS Is Now A Was-Was Thanks To Trump’s Leadership – Is That ‘News?’

While there’s still much work to be done, the war against ISIS just crossed a ‘YUGE’ milestone.

The renegade Caliphate has just been starved of a major claim on it’s legitimacy: they no longer hold any physical territory.

As of last week, The Black Flag of ISIS is officially homeless.

BAGHOUZ, Syria — The sound of airstrikes and gunfire could be heard near the last enclave of the Islamic State group Friday night, less than an hour after the White House declared victory over the militants.
The battle for Baghouz, the group’s last holdout and all that remained of the vast territory that it once ruled in Syria and Iraq, had dragged on for more than 10 weeks — far longer than either the U.S. military or their allies on the ground had predicted. — Source: NBC

But down they came:

Early in his unusual campaign for the presidency, Donald Trump laid out a simple, if inelegant, strategy for ridding the Middle East of the scourge of ISIS: “bomb the shit out of ‘em.” Now almost eight months into his presidency, the commander-in-chief is making good on his promise: The Air Force has deployed more munitions against terror groups in Afghanistan in August than any other month in the last five years, according to U.S. Central Command’s latest summary of U.S. airpower in the region.

U.S. military aircraft deployed more than 500 weapons against ISIS, Taliban, and al-Qaeda targets as part of operations Freedom’s Sentinel and Resolute Support in Afghanistan during August 2017, the most since the same month in 2012, according to the monthly airpower statistics released by CENTCOM’s Combined Air Operations Center (COAC) at Al-Udeid Air Base that oversees air operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and 18 other countries throughout the region. Most of the munitions were released by F-16 fighter jets and MQ-9 Reaper drones. — Source: Task & Purpose

The coalition has been taking the fight to ISIS… and hard.

The hard work and sacrifice of Arabs, Kurds and Christians working together has delivered results.

There are still sleeper cells and sympathizers to the ideology to contend with… but the organized, tangible force that held and defended ‘Caliphate’ territory is no more.

They are now an ideology without a country.

Promises made…

… & promises delivered.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck