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ACCIDENTAL HONESTY: Personnel Picks Of Dissembling Dems Leak Truths They Dare Not Speak

Kamala's lying to our faces... even while accidentally telling the truth.

Kamala’s lying to our faces… even while accidentally telling the truth. Roll that clock back to Feb 2020 and you can see exactly what we mean.

It’s Super Tuesday. Bernie Sanders is gaining momentum and the only Dem still within striking range is Joe Biden. The donor class has. a decision to make — let the people speak, and get crushed in the general by American voters unwilling to support an open Commie… or push Joe Biden.

Not wanting to see Trump get a second term, the political machine swung into action. The right combination of people leaving the race and staying in it positioned Joe Biden for a rally… in exchange for predictable payoffs for the dutiful cooperation of people like Preachy Pete Buttigieg.

Joe was presented as a ‘centrist’ Democrat. A ‘safe’ choice who could serve as a caretaker president until all the Pandemic Panic and MAGA Momentum subsided so Washington could go back to its regular process of the uniparty bickering over whose turn it is to hand out political favors.

Biden declared that since he was the winner, he IS the Democrat party and he ‘defeated’ the socialist wing.

His record and the Squad’s unfailing loyalty to his candidacy LONG after the fatal debate ended his chances this summer are evidence that that was always. a lie. His words were nothing more than a permission structure to trick normies into voting for the most recklessly radical President since Woodrow Wilson.

Only NOW is he admitting that the ‘Inflation Reduction’ act was actually the Green New Deal in drag.

But for anyone looking at his Veep and the advisors with whom he surrounded himself… his radicalism is perfectly on-brand. None of this would have come as a surprise.

And that’s the tell. Democrats dare not reveal their agenda to the voter until AFTER they are in office (remember how people believed Obama actually supported the traditional definition of marriage… or said we could keep our doctors?)

To paraphrase Pelosi: we have to elect a candidate to know what odious agendas are in them.

Fast-forward four summers to 2024… and we see Kamala following the Biden ‘normalcy’ playbook. Pretend to be more normal than you are, set the hook… and reel them in. By the time voters learn the truth, it’s too late.

‘Officially’, Kamala is distancing herself from all of the most off-the-left-edge-of-the-map crazy policies for which she’s already proven herself a true-blue believer. But even Bernie understands the game she’s gotta play to win over the credulous low-information voters who have better things to do with their day than follow politics.

She’s pretending to tack to the middle. It’s pragmatic pandering, pure and simple — even Bernie says as much. They are no more real than the different accents she switches between when she speaks to different parts of the country.

But here’s her problem: personnel is policy. That’s where her true priorites shine through — starting right from her Veep pick — just like Biden did with his.

Look at Tampon Tim’s record:

— How he and his wife opened their windows to vicariously smell the smoke from burning tires a long, safe distance from their own home… smoke from burning and riots that terrified the people forced to live among them.
— How he tipped off his activist daughter about movements of the National Guard
— How his laws prioritized the rights of the state above the rights of the parent concerning children getting their naughty bits lopped off … even for out-of-state kids
— How he enthusiastically supported immigration policy that thwarted US immigration law on the books … even joking about investing in a ladder company to defeat walls

On and on it goes. Right down to going full Stalinst by having a COVID snitch line citizens could use to ‘out’ one another to the government.

When given a choice to believe someone’s words… or their actions…?
Only a fool would choose to believe the words — especially when that ‘someone’ is a politician desperate for your vote.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck