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Gretchen Whitmer — What Do Voters REALLY Know About Her?

Her record speaks for itself

Gretchen Whitmer. The Governor of Michigan. Before that, she was a lawyer (including a stint as a prosecutor for Ingham County, Michigan), a State Representative, and a State Senator. She put herself on the map with the Democratic Party when she was elected Governor of Michigan in 2018. When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit, Whitmer imposed a series of draconian measures. Such measures are listed in these excerpts from Discover the Networks website:

Issuing an executive order requiring  strict stay-at-home regulations, the violation of which could result in a $1,000 fine and/or six months in jail; a ban on all public or private gatherings “of any size”; the prohibition of any non-essential travel “between residences”; and the suspension of all businesses and organizations deemed “not necessary.” The “not necessary” designation encompassed many types of business establishments — e.g., furniture delivery services; golf courses; law firms; real estate offices; tobacco stores and cigar bars; hunting clubs and gun ranges; camping and sporting-goods stores; craft and hobby stores; and outdoor landscaping/lawn-maintenance services. It also prohibited the recreational use of motorboats, jet skis, and other watercraft.

Certain large stores were permitted to remain open under the executive order, but they were required to cordon off any “non-essential” departments and areas, including those dedicated to plants/gardening, carpeting, flooring, furniture, appliances, and paint. Meanwhile, such establishments were permitted to advertise nothing other than groceries, medical supplies, and other “items necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operations of residences.”

It outlawed in-person public meetings of all types; required medical and dental facilities to postpone all “non-essential procedures”; limited attendance at funerals to ten people; and authorized early criminal releases, on the theory that this would help limit the spread of coronavirus inside U.S. prisons.

Needless to say, her executive order had a harmful impact on Michigan’s economy, and had many flaws. The following excerpts from Discover the Networks website list the following flaws

  • Car dealerships were shut down, but auto repair shops were allowed to remain open.
  • Pest-control workers were permitted to do only jobs that were deemed necessary for a home’s “safety, sanitation, and essential operations” – a highly subjective standard.
  • Bicycle repair shops were closed for the most part, but were allowed to fix bikes for people deemed to be “critical infrastructure workers” who needed their bikes to commute to work.
  • Most childcare workers likewise lost their jobs, but not those who cared for the children of those same “critical infrastructure workers”; meanwhile, abortion services were designated as “essential.”

Such actions by Whitmer have resulted in lawsuits and protests in 2020. Whitmer
responded by labelling her critics as racists, Neo-Nazis, and vigilantes. In addition,
she prohibited nursing homes from turning away Covid-19 patients, which
resulted in over 5,500 deaths.

And while Whitmer imposed such measures on the people of Michigan, she did
not practice what she preached by marching in a George Floyd protest. She also
took a private plane to Florida to visit her apparently ill father while forbidding
the citizens of Michigan from doing so. In addition, she was also seen sitting with
a dozen people at a restaurant in East Lansing, in spite of the social distancing
measures she imposed.

Thus, Whitmer has ruled Michigan with an iron fist.

Meanwhile, a plot by several individuals in 2020 to kidnap her turned out to be
entrapment by the FBI.

At this year’s Democratic National Convention, Whitmer described Kamala Harris
as “a total badass”. I’m not sure how she arrived at that conclusion.

Recently, Whitmer was in a video warning that should Donald Trump win this
year’s Presidential Election, then he would the CHIPS Act, an anti-inflation bill that
became law two years ago. The video showed Whitmer placing a Dorito on the
tongue of feminist Liz Plank, who was kneeling. The video ends with Whitmer
glaring at the camera. Such an act is a mockery of the Sacrament of Communion.
But as was the case with the opening ceremony in this year’s Summer Olympics
(in which the Last Supper was spoofed), Whitmer has gas lighted the incident.

I wonder if this incident will have any impact on the sale of Doritos.

At any rate, Gretchen Whitmer needs to resign and spend the rest of her days as
private citizen.

Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.