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Joe Rogan Just DECIMATED Kamala… By Bringing Back One Of Her Own Clips

There's a reason why this could be particularly devastating

More than ever, this election is all about winning over the undecideds. So how devastating must it be when the single largest apolitical voice is openly mocking one of the candidates?

Joe Rogan is not a natural right-of-centre voter. If anything, he liked Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election. But things like COVID mandates and censorship battles have caught the attention of even relatively apolitical celebrities. Many have been rethinking their previous political alignments.

Rogan is one of the biggest fish out there, especially among the ‘undecided’ and apolitical voters. If there’s someone out there you do NOT want to have mocking your campaign, it’s Joe Rogan.

Kamala said something so insanely stupid that the Rogan show has clipped it and shared it. It’s an old quote, but a potent one.

He’s putting the idea in front of people who would otherwise NOT have been paying attention. People too busy with their work and family commitments to follow every little campaign speech.

There probably aren’t many rural voters who will have tuned in to watch a Kamala Harris interview on the Black Entertainment Television network. But a lot of them follow Joe Rogan. So now that he’s shared the clip, they’ve seen it too.

They haven’t just SEEN it, they’ve now seen it with the framing Rogan has given it.

With those 3 little letters, WTF, Rogan’s pretty much setting up rural followers to call her out as bat-crap crazy.

The appearance was from 2021. But what she said about rural voters and voting is still in line with her party’s endless excuses for why we can’t have voter ID. That makes it relevant today.

Especially when this will be the first time some Americans have heard her say it. About them.

Kind of like how she’s hoping that time she called young people between the ages of 18 and 24 ‘stupid’ back in 2014 doesn’t come up either… whatever the ‘context’ might have been that friendly fact-checkers might downplay it with.

Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men

Dear young Christian male, this book you’re about to read is meant to challenge you to your very core. Its intent is not to make you feel warm and fuzzy. Some of the chapters will upset you greatly, especially if you’re a dandy who was raised with kid gloves by a helicopter mommy.

That said, in addition to the holy introspection contained herein, this book will also shoot adrenaline into your soul. It’ll push you to be a Godly risk taker and earth shaker. A veritable Rebel With A Cause just like the Captain of Our Salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want a feel-good book that tickles your ears and morphs you into a little Christian popinjay, this tome ain’t for you. You should put this book down and walk away from it immediately. However, if, young man, if … your motto is to give God your utmost for His highest, and you wanna live a life worthy of Christ’s death, then this book will be grist for your mill.

Get your copy of Lionhearted: Making Young Christian Males Rowdy Biblical Men TODAY!

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck