REBELS WITH A CAUSE: Christians Wear Camo to Church In Support of Duck Dynasty

If you have pictures you would like to see on here from your own Church Camo Sunday, leave them in the comments below!
Last Friday, in support of the Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson, and his stance for biblical values, we here at decided to announce this past Sunday, December 22nd , as “Church Camo for Phil Sunday”.
Here’s a few pictures that were gleaned off Facebook and Instagram in support of Phil and traditional marriage by wearing camo at church on Sunday, December 22.
Thanks for those who sent in pictures and took a stand for traditional values with Phil Robertson!
If you took pictures for social media, tag them with the hashtag, #ChurchCamoForPhil, on Twitter (@Doug_Giles) and Instagram so that everyone in America can see your support. If you use Facebook, make sure to ‘Like’ with Doug Giles and then tag us in your pictures. We will continue to compile the pictures and feature them on!
Make sure you also give us your e-mail address and enter our contest to get a chance to win our Duck Dynasty giveaway!
Let’s show the liberal media that there are still people in America who stand for traditional marriage!