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Think Pornography Is ‘Harmless’? Then I Dare You to Read This

“Consenting Adults”

Those two words are supposed to be the ironclad defense against anyone saying porn is a bad thing. “Is she an adult? Then let her say no, if she doesn’t like it.” Don’t like porn? Then don’t watch it.

If that sums up your view about porn, then I dare you to keep reading. Test your assumptions about that world against the story of a guy whose job it was to recruit the new girls, and the story of one particular girl he recruited.

Her name was Mindy. And fair warning — this story ends badly for her. I found it difficult to read myself.

It began with explaining his psychological manipulation (he admits that’s what it was). Simple things. Choosing a setting to make her impressed by a big money lifestyle. Making it seem safe and comfortable. Photos of the host with “famous” people at vacation spots she’d likely never seen.

The mind-games moved to “you probably couldn’t handle something like this”. Or “trying” to talk her out of it. (Did I mention she’d only turned 18 the previous month?)

She was, it was discovered, very marketable. They gave her the feedback about her early photos as a carrot to inflate her ego, and drive her forward. She thought she’d become a celebrity.

She didn’t know how to handle $10K / month. She wasn’t promiscuous by nature (his words) she didn’t go home with fans. But, while passed out at parties, she was raped a number of times over the years.

This life changed her. She wasn’t the same girl who first showed up. Her eyes, as he describes them, were “haunted”. She didn’t want to do it anymore, which the recruiter (Donny Pauling) thought was probably a good thing, seeing what it had done to her. He was feeling some guilt about the role he played in drawing her in.

She received the gospel, and the light began to return to her eyes. But she was encouraging Donny to consider the gospel, too. This upset him. He’d had unpleasant experiences with the church years before, and wanted nothing to do with it. Since she was trying to win her to faith, he set out to destroy hers, instead.

He set about drawing her back into the life she’d just left. And it worked.

Already, she was having a hard time making ends meet.  So I asked her if she understood that old religious men were the ones who had made up the moral rules prohibiting her from participating in her website.  I began pointing out inconsistencies in the Bible.  After having spent so much time with her – at one time she even lived with me – I knew how best to manipulate her into seeing things my way.  She’d come back to the lifestyle every time.

And as time went on, things only got worse. I made her do things that she had refused to do at first. Sometimes Mindy would protest, but she knew she wouldn’t earn any money if she didn’t do it. She started identifying as a prostitute, and started taking drugs. I guess they made it easy to do what she was doing. She bounced from house to house, living with random older men who’d use her for a time and then send her on her way. One result of this is that she has no idea who her son’s father might be.

I wish there was a happy ending to Mindy’s story, but there’s not.  Not many months ago, she called in tears, begging me to adopt her two kids.  The state had taken them one too many times, and she was no longer eligible to have them returned to her.  Her social worker had informed her that a close friend or family member could be given priority, and she wondered if I would be willing, as the rest of her family was not.  I gave it thought and prayer, but realized I’m not equipped to take them on.

As you can see from the last line, he later came to faith himself, but by then, she’d already paid this price.

Although her story is heartbreaking, the original article still has words of praise for a few things she’s done well in the midst of this horrible hardship and tragedy, as well as some closing thoughts worth sharing. Read it for the whole story for yourself.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck