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BOWING TO ISLAM: School District Removes Religious Holidays From Calendar After Muslim Demands

Thanks to the group of Muslims at this school, Christmas Break will now be ‘Winter Break’. Way to bow and kiss the ring. Check this out…

Next year, students in Montgomery County, Maryland, won’t be off school to celebrate Christmas or Rosh Hashanah – they’ll be off to celebrate “Winter Break,” or as the school calendar simply states, “No school for students and teachers.”

The decision to strip the school calendar of Christian and Jewish holidays comes after years of requests by Muslim leaders to close schools for one of two major Muslim holidays, The Washington Postreports.

Instead of relenting, the school board opted to remove any suggestion that students are missing school for any religious observance. For instance, “Easter” will be replaced with “Spring break.”

The schools made note this past year of how many students were absent on the Muslim holiday Eid ­al-Adha, to determine whether it would be worth it to close schools for everybody:

Montgomery school officials reported that absences for that day — 5.6 percent of students and 5 percent of teachers — were only somewhat higher than a comparable day the previous week.

Read more: IJ Review