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OVERWEIGHT TODDLERS: Michelle Obama’s Mandate Requiring Daycares to Weigh Toddlers

Big daddy government wants to track how much your two year old weighs. So what happens if your toddler is not in line with how much Michelle Obama thinks they should weigh? What could possibly go wrong?

According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the federal government plans to keep track of children’s health by weighing and measuring them in daycare.

The USDA will weight and check the height of about 3,000 toddlers as part of a study mandated by Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. The agency published a notice in the Federal Register on Friday that proposes data collection on what meals can be served in professional and home daycare facilities as well as how much physical activity children should perform.

The study is required by section 223 of the 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, the main goal of which was to implement new standards for school lunches.

Read more: BuzzPo