FRANKLIN GRAHAM: ISIS Is Committing Genocide on Christians – World Is Silent

Other pastors and world leaders should be taking a hint from Franklin Graham, but don’t hold your breath for that. Rev. Graham recently wrote a Facebook post about the massive genocide that ISIS is committing against Christians and it has already been shared more than 46,000 times. Check it out…
It is genocide—and the world seems largely silent about it. Genocide perpetrated by the Islamic State against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities of Syria and Iraq. And their methods are unimaginably cruel and heinous.
Just a few days ago it was revealed that three Assyrian Christians were executed on September 23, which is the Muslim “Feast of Sacrifice,” and they say they’ll kill more hostages. And recent reports share the horror of 12 other Christians being murdered on August 28. Why were they killed? For refusing to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ.
Eyewitnesses said that ISIS militants crucified a 12-year-old Christian boy and his Syrian missionary father along with two other men after mercilessly brutalizing them. They cut off the boy’s fingertips to try to get his father to convert to Islam. They left their bodies hanging on the crosses for two days under signs reading “infidels.”
On that same day, ISIS militants publicly raped two Christian women in front of a crowd and then beheaded them along with six others when they refused to convert to Islam. “They have every intention of spreading that bloodshed around the world, including America,” Fox News reported. Pray for an end to this horrendous evil in the name of religion.