Has The Tranny Movement Knocked the Gay Movement from the Spotlight?
The acronym for same-sex advocacy (etc) keeps getting longer and longer. Issues that were originally gay or gay and lesbian were expanded to include bisexual. Then other “me too” groups wanted to be added in. The list is growing longer and longer, incorporating more people each with their own objectives. With some of the recent additions to that list, I suspect they have just absorbed an idea that will lead to their eventual collapse.
The sexual anti-normative movement extends to include more and more groups. This makes it appear larger and more cohesive. One voice speaking for many as it were. But the bigger (and more diverse) a group gets, the less effectively it can speak for the true values of all its members.
Just because one voice within a movement makes a demand, does not mean everyone within that movement shares their concerns. For example, do you really think homosexual men give a damn which bathroom anyone uses? They might have opinions, sure, but really, it is as relevant to their lives as the abortion debate.
Likewise, lesbians would not be directly affected by the MSM (male who have sex with male) blood donor controversy.
We might be filing everything under one label, but that doesn’t make them homogenous. Gay men, for example, apparently don’t tend to think of transsexuals as “one of us”. Should this surprise you?
Homosexual men are not the least bit ambiguous. They are men, and know it. They are attracted to other men, and know it. They are not attracted to women, and they know that, too.
That is a strong affirmation of the binary definition of gender.
Lesbians have a similarly strong understanding of gender. They know which they are attracted or not attracted to. Even bisexuals have an understanding of gender. They can tell you if they are male or female. They can tell you if the person they went home with last night is male or female. There is no confusion in terms there.
Now, what happens when you introduce the dynamic of gender fluidity to that equation? The rationale for the whole existence of LGBT collapses. For several reasons.
Remember the “born this way” argument? What happens to your born this way argument when Bruce can become Caitlyn and openly contemplate becoming Bruce again? What happens to “born this way” when “gender binary” is the latest social evil that needs to be deconstructed?
What happens when “man who has sexual attraction to men” is softened to “people identifying as male having sexual attraction to other people identifying as male”?
What happens when “woman with sexual attraction to women” is softened to ‘person identifying as female with sexual attraction to other people identifying as female”?
Once that happens, the movement is DOA. Sure, it might limp along for a while, pretending to be relevant, but it has become logically self-defeating. And that is because you have given up the foundations, the solid definitions of sexuality your movement required in the first place.
Whatever else may be said about them, homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual have this in common: if the objective meaning for male and female is lost, all three of those terms become meaningless nonsense.